Africa Recreation

Africa. Content. A brief history of africa. Geography. Rain forest. Regions. Languages. Interesting facts. Why people are traveling to Africa? Reasons to travel. Recreation. Accommodation. Santos Express. The Grand Nile Tower Hotel. How to book room? African Heritage sites. Rainforests of the Atsinanana. (Madagascar). Portuguese city of mazagan - morocco. Kairo. Sources. Thanks for attention.
Erasmus students: Diana Aurylaitė and Rūta Eitutytė Lecturer: Prof. Jekaterine Kurjuhina.
History Description of geography Key facts (language, religion) Accomodation Interesting facts Heritage sites SPA.
Spa beach scuba diving food and wine golf safari and wildlife whale watching.
- Travel Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 9026 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 24 pages (417 words)
- University
- Rūta