50 Ideas For English Class

Soft balls all keystages. Noughts and crosses. Drawing dictation keystages. Guess the number. Back to the board. Spelling race keystages. Simon says keystage. Back writing keystages. Kim’s game keystage. Through the peephole all keystages. Letter jumble all keystages. Draw , Fold and Pass. The revision box. A Story Treasure Hunt. Stop the bus. Get rid of it. Rhyming pair game. Show the card. The tongue twister game keystages. Who’s got the rubber. Telephone role plays keystage. The secret code game keystage. Picture dictation in pairs KEYSTAGES. Reading corner all keystages. Birthday wheel all keystages. The alphabet pyramid keystages. Secret codes keystages. Happy families all keystages. The “ pen ” game keystages. Consequences keystage w. Sentence anagrams keystages. Collaborative class surveys. Who am? Keystage. Thwibbledy thwop keystage. Ring , ring , who has my ring? Keystage. Label it all keystages. Chair game keystage.