What Will Life Be Like In 2050

Hello my name is and today i will be talking about what will life be like in.

Our life will change in every aspect as we know it during the next 35 years. Our lives will drastically change as the technology advances around us.35 years from now ,poeple will live past age of 100 and remain halthy and young.By 2050 humans will have stoped poluting air, they have stoped using oil and switched to solar energy.I think that in future our computers and mobile phones will be mutch faster and smarter and if you need to find informatikon you just say it and computer will provide usable informatikon not just list of links.

  • Lifestyle Essays
  • Microsoft Word 12 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (150 words)
  • Ruslan
  • What will life be like in 2050
    10 - 4 votes
What will life be like in 2050. (January 31, 2016). https://documents.exchange/what-will-life-be-like-in-2050/ Reviewed on 22:18, March 9 2025