What We Learn From History Essay

We learn from history. History. Furthermore. In conclusion.
When we look back to stories of past kings, countries, cultures, religions, these events give us the accurate knowledge that we can learn from. I think history helps us to avoid mistakes that were made in the past. For example in politics they look back to history of all kinds of laws which were good and which were bad so politicians try to not make bad decisions based on history.
Furthermore other way that history helps is that if some event would not have occured there would probably not have been any major advancement. For example let‘s look at Titanic. When it was built it was called the safest ship in the world. Everything changed when it hit the iceberg and sunk down the ocean. Based on this accident people changed their mind and understood that nothing in this world is can be relied on. So after this event people started working on making a better, safer ships.