We Do Not Need To Worry About Global Warming And Climate Change As They Are Greatly Exaggerated Do You Agree Or Disagree?

We do not need to worry about global warming and climate change as they are greatly exaggerated. Do you agree or disagree?
In contrast to this, the rising water level might help the boating and shipping business to prosper, seeing as bigger ships will be able to reach previously shallower shores. Rich businessmen are already planning on the eventual booming of the shipping enterprise and are building new, bigger ships. These people have developed a mindset stating that global warming is just a natural way to make bigger profits and is nothing to worry about.
To conclude, I believe that global warming is a quickly progressing issue which needs to be thoroughly looked into by the governement as long as it is not too late to reverse it’s effects. Pretending that climate change is a hoax made up by unqualified officials will result in the unavoidable catastrophe of our planets death.