United States Of America Presentation

United States of America presentation.
South of the country and the climate and.
Not so picturesque Great plane of nature. Prairie after a high stick Bryde's cattle. In the mountains you can admire the wildlife, streams, waterfalls, flowers, fields and meadows.Tarpukalnėje dominated by desert images, rare vegetation, but the colorful cliffs, mountains create a beautiful environment.Nagorno virtinėse see quite a different nature: snow, vertical cliffs, steep valleys, mountain rivers, extinct volcanoes. Mahogany, sequoia forest.Beauty contributes to the state forest areas and leave the public with parks, forests, nature reserves, seaside.
The statue is 46.5 meters high, its foundation - 46.9 m in height. Statues depicting a woman with a toga and a crown, having seven needles which represent the seven seas and continents. On the left hand of a woman to her body as a table, which is written MDCCLXXVI JULY IV (4 July, 1776), and the right time raised torch.
The city is the north-eastern United States, New York, the Hudson River estuary. It is the largest U.S. port (annual turnover - 180 million. T). George. Kennedy International Airport. This is a key U.S. economic, political, commercial, financial, scientific and cultural center. Main industries: metal processing, machinery manufacturing, printing, chemicals, oil processing, food, and light.
- Travel Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 11872 KB
- 2015 m.
- English
- 23 pages (737 words)
- Viktorija