Transport (7)

269 documents
How to solve the problem of an increasing number of road accidents
How to solve the problem of an increasing number of road accidents.
Transport, 1 page
2015 12 22
Logistical Planning Process
Logistical Planning Process, Phrases. Logistics. Logistics is the process of planning. Traditional Scope of the Supply Chain. Internal supply chain. Key Activities/Processes. Primary Setting customer service goals Transportation Inventory ...
Transport, 9 pages
2015 11 25
Road transport
Road Transport. Trucks. A truck (North. Driving. In the United. In Australia. There is also a heavy vehicle transmission condition for a licence class HR. Cab. The cab is an enclosed space where the driver is seated. There are several possible ...
Transport, 22 pages
2016 04 06
Vilnius airport
Vilnius national airport. Introduction. Vilnius airport. History. Members of the Board of the State Enterprise Vilnius International Airport. Vision and mission of VIA. EU support. Thank you for your attention.
Transport, 12 pages
2016 03 05
Voyage data recorders and Public address system
Voyage data recorders and Public address system. Prepared by student Artiom Uryvkov. Voyage Data Recorder on a Ship . Just like in. What is voyage data recorder? A vdr or. A ship’s VDR. Data items that must be record by VDR. Date and time ...
Transport, 11 pages
2016 12 15
Minimizing and reducing traffic jams
Machine Learning Techniques Aim To Reduce Traffic. Putting Public Needs Before Private Consumption /. The Only Hope for Reducing Traffic.
Transport, 7 pages
2017 05 03
Transport of England
Transport of England. Buses. Big red buses are recognised all over the world. Taxi. Also known as. Metro. The London Underground is a metro system serving a large part of Greater London. Public Transport is one of the best ways to get around ...
Transport, 9 pages
2015 10 20
„Tesla“ automobiles presentation
Market research of „Tesla“. Introduction. Our product „Tesla model X“. Place. Example. Tesla Factory. Example. Tesla Gigafactory. Example. Tesla Service centers. Price. Target audience. Problem. Please rate most important factors when it ...
Transport, 30 pages
2018 10 04
Alfa Romeo cars
Introduction. Alfa Romeo. History. Design and Technology. Body design. Symbols of Alfa Romeo. Motorsport. Resources.
Transport, 10 pages
2017 12 19
All transportation advantages, disadvantages Questions about transportation
All transportation advantages, disadvantages Questions about transportation.
Transport, 3 pages
2021 06 04
Audi presentation
Audi. About audi. Audi logo. Best Audis of all time. Audi RS6/RS6 Avant (2002 – Present). Horch 26/65 (1907). DKW Monza (1956). Audi R8 (2006- Present). Audi Quattro (1980-1991). Fastest car - Audi R8 V-10 Plus.
Transport, 15 pages
2017 12 19
Autonomous cars presentation
Autonomous cars. Technology. Main goal. The beginning of Autonomous cars. First Autonomous car. The most advanced Autonomous car. Advantages. Safer roads Saving time No air pollution Greater efficiency Increased demand for new jobs. ...
Transport, 8 pages
2018 01 09
Car brand Toyota
Presentation. Car brand. The history of. History.  In April 1936, Toyota's first passenger car. First car by Toyota. Toyota is the world's market leader in sales of hybrid electric vehicles. Nowadays model. The Toyota Prius. Toyota Prius. Toyota ...
Transport, 12 pages
2018 01 09
Cruise ships presentation
Cruise ships. Cruise ship. A cruise ship or cruise liner is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages. Cruising. Cruising has become a major part of the tourism industry. History. The birth of. P&O first introduced passenger cruising services ...
Transport, 11 pages
2018 01 09
Development of the strategy of a port community
Development of the strategy of a port community. Mission of the port community actors. Port – policy - the premise of the port development. Port development. Delta port at rotterdam. Conclusion. Literature.
Transport, 8 pages
2017 12 08
Essay about transport: railway, air
Railway. Advantages. Disadvantages. AIR Air transport is the newest mode of transport since it was introduced in 1903 (nineteen and 3Advantages. Disadvantages. Pipeline.
Transport, 1 page
2019 03 17
Ford Motor Company Hybrid Ford Escape
Table of Content. The Executive Summary. Company Backgrounder. Company Mission Statement. Vision. Values. Situational Analysis Internal Environment. Competition Environment. Economic Environment. Cultural/ Social Environment. Government ...
Transport, 26 pages
2018 10 04
Ford motors presentation
Ford motors. Ford motor - company is an American multinational automaker headquartered in Dearborn. History. Henry Ford's first. Between 1903 and 1908, Ford produced the Models A, B. Ford offered the Lifeguard safety package from. The vechiles ...
Transport, 7 pages
2022 05 04
History of civil aircraft
The First Modern Airliners. The „DC-3“. Pressurized Cabins. The Civil Aeronautics Act of. The Jet Engines. Radar. Dawn of the Jet Age. Wide-bodies and Supersonics.
Transport, 7 pages
2019 10 28
Hybrid car project
What is a hybrid? Objectives. Levels of hybrid vehicles. Basic Components. Types of hybrid vehicles. Series Hybrid. Types of hybrid vehicles. Parallel Hybrid. Types of hybrid vehicles. Drive Modes of Operation. Maintenance. How long will a high ...
Transport, 20 pages
2018 11 29
Inventions that have improved our lives - Airplanes
Inventions that have improved our lives -Airplanes. Who invented airplane? History of Flight. First airplane. The Airplane Before the '20s. Fun in the air. Airplanes nowdays. Sources. Thank you for your attention.
Transport, 14 pages
2017 12 19
Jessica Cox biography
Biography. Jessica Cox was born in 1983 in Sierra Vista. Education. By twenty-two. Activities. By the time she was 3, Jessica was enrolled in gymnastics classes. Awards. Guinness World Record the first woman to fly an airplane with her feet.
Transport, 7 pages
2018 10 29
Moto - Auto sport
Introduction. Autocross. Rally cross. Off-road racing. Ice racing. Touring car racing. Drifting. Drag racing. Hill climbing racing. Conclusions. Dictionary. Resources.
Transport, 12 pages
2017 12 08
Plane preparation for take off
Plane preparation for take off. Placing an airplane in preparation spot. Power supply to the airplane. Connecting with the flight control center. System verification. Resource supplements. Luggage and cargo loading to the airplane. Passenger ...
Transport, 10 pages
2019 05 20
Port of Gdansk presentation
Port of gdansk. The Port of Gdańsk is a seaport located on the southern coast of Gdańsk Bay in the city of Gdańsk. Inner Port. Gdansk Container Terminal Ferry terminal Polferries Westerplatte. Phosphates terminal Liquid and bulk sulphur ...
Transport, 9 pages
2018 10 16
Presentation about automobile company Saab
Vilnius College of Technologies and Design. History. Technical characteristics. 2009 SaAB 9-5 2. 8T technical specifications. 2000 SaAB 9-3 Aero 2T technical specifications. 2001 SaAB 9X 3T technical specifications. Future perspectives.
Transport, 10 pages
2018 03 17
Presentation about European Transport Innovation
European Transport Innovation. Smart, immediate & sustainable transportation for everyone. Craft Bicycle. Carla Cargo heavy load bicycle trailer. Vivanoda European multimodal travel search engine. Unlock the sharing economy for the parking ...
Transport, 9 pages
2019 04 03
Presentation about History of cars
History of cars. What is a car? Car is a road vehicle, typically with four wheels. When was it invented? There are many different types of cars - steam. Who drove the first cars? In 1900 wealthy. The first cars. Advantages of having a car. People ...
Transport, 7 pages
2019 03 22
Presentation about Mercedes Benz
Mercedes-Benz. Content. What’s Mercedes-Benz? Products History Founders One of the first Mercedes-Benz automobile Logo history. It’s a German global automobile brand and a division of Daimler AG. Products. Automobiles Trucks Buses Internal ...
Transport, 9 pages
2019 03 22
Presentation about Travelling
Travelling. Content. What is traveling? Traveling benifits Famous travelling places Places where I‘d like to travel. What is travelling? Travelling is a movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations. Travelling benifits. ...
Transport, 12 pages
2018 03 17