Transport And Travel

MONOLOGUE Topic : Transport and Travel Time : 2-3minutes 1.What kind of public transport do you use? Are you happy with the quality of services that the public transport offers? Why/why not? 2.A lot of people travel abroad on holiday. In your opinion, what is the most convenient means of transport to go abroad on holiday? Give your reasons.3.What is your most memorable trip and why? (Holiday travel experience)I'm going to talk about what public trasnport do I use and about their qualities. The main public transport that I use is the bus. It's very easy to go to any place with it, and it doesn't take a lot of time. Compared to other public transports, it's quite cheaper. But the quality of it, isn't as good.
- Transport Home works
- Microsoft Word 10 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 1 page (305 words)
- Gymnasium
- Deimantė