Tourism Sector Change In Lithuania

Tourism sector change in Lithuania.
The increase in the period, compared with the previous (–)
1. The number of overnight stays by foreigners and residents of Lithuania, thous.
On the basis of the data provided in table 2, we see that such indicators as the aliens and the distribution of the Lithuanian population of the nights, accommodation establishments during the period tends to decrease, but the change is not significant indicators of individual years. Presence in the country, and the trend in the duration of the accommodation establishments is determined by a number of reasons: • for the purposes of the business or other business travelers arriving tourists usually stay for 1-2 • number of arrivals parom; tourists from Western and Eastern European countries, spending the night with friends, acquaintances, or private individuals, providing accommodation services (based on surveys carried out by the Department of Lithuanian tourism sample data); • arriving to Lithuania the rest, make study purposes, Lithuania in the Baltic region and assigns a going into the adjacent country Latvia In Estonia, CIS countries; • tourism service in particular, such as leisure and entertainment in the siaurumas range. In addition, the contemporary tourist behaviour of tourists under the world and EU research is more flexible, neapsistojantis for a long time in seeking the goal of diversity in supply and travel destinations.
In figure 2. The percentage of residents and non-residents, the distribution of overnight stays in accommodation establishments, 1997-2001 figure 2 shows a large positive developments-the growth of the country in the number of overnight stays by foreigners accommodation establishments. in the year 2000 compared to 1999, respectively, the number of foreigners in hotels and guest houses (253 thousand) grew 3.2%, while the number of overnight stays decreased by 3.6%, i.e. from 2.4 up to 2.3 bed per alien. In the meantime, the population of Lithuania accommodation establishments fell by 13.2% respectively (334 thousand.), while the number of overnight stays-23%, duration-from 6.7 to 6 nights. A positive trend is that an increasing share of tourists (63%) choose to hotels and motels.
1.2. Share (%) in the total number of other accommodation establishments*
1.3. Share (%) in the total number of specialised establishments **
2.1. Share (%) in the total number of hotels and motels
2.2. Share (%) in the total number of establishments in the other accommodation
Growth in Lithuania, a European-level hotels, motels, there is a chance that more foreign tourists will choose the accommodation part of the bodies because of poorly developed material base of specialised accommodation (camping, recreation agencies) both in quantitative and qualitative terms, and when you travel abroad increasingly opting for these companies. In addition, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the tourism products, improve the quality of tourism services, infrastructure services and to develop a leisure and entertainment services, investments are needed.