Tourism - Public Policy

To do or not do’. Virtue of its source’. Economic , social , and cultural characteristics. Formal structures of government. Public policy formulation. Characteristics of public policy. Tourism policy model terminology. Airey & Chong. Why do we need tourism policy. International influences on tourism policy Levels of influence over policy making. International tourism related organizations. Regional tourism related organisations PATA. National tourism related organisations. Visit Britain & Visit England. Atout France. National tourism related organisations - UK National Trust. British Hospitality Association. Approaches in tourism industry Role of the state? What is the state? Role of the state? Theories of the state. Politics and policy formulation Tourism policy process. The policy cycle model advantages and disadvantages. Institutional context hard structures. Shift from government to governance hall’s 2011 frameworks of governance typology who is the policy arena. Politics and policy formulation An interest groups are? Interest groups in the policy proces. Classification of interest groups. Scale Producer group Non producer group. Classification of interest groups dredge & jenkins , 2007 producer interest groups. Welfare State Client Interest Groups. Spontaneously Unorganised Interest Groups. Non Associational Groups Common characteristics. Other Professional Groups. Common professional foundation. Influence of interest groups.

Policy is about the position of government on significant issues

The formal manifestation of a government’s position – the planning process usually leads to the development of policy

Policy is an organisational practice or response to an issue or situation

Intended or unintended consequences of the policy output, e.g. Increase in tourist arrivals (Airey& Chong, 2011)

IMF – International Monetary Fund – to ensure stability of the international monetary system. It lends money to countries with balance of payments difficulties and advises on policy adjustments. Provides support in designing and implementing economic policies.

IOC – International Olympic Committee – voluntary, independent association. Sets the Olympic Charter (principles, rules, by-laws fr the Olympic Movement)

UNWTO – responsible for the promotion of sustainable, responsible and universally accessible tourism. (used to be the International Union of Official Travel Organisations

PATA – Pacific Asia Travel Association – travel trade association, encourages responsible travel and tourism to, from and within the Asia-Pacific region.

ETOA – European Tour Operators Association – trade association for tour operators in Europe

Romania – publically funded NTA (Ministry for Regional Development and Tourism)

National Trust – a charity that looks (conserves) after hertiage buildings and open spacesfor public use/view

Historic England – a public sector body that looks after England’s historic environment. Was commonly known as English Heritage, but now English Heritage is a charity.

Tourism Alliance – voice of the industry. Set up by government to act as advocate and advisor on the industry

The state refers to the full collection of institutions through which control is exercised and societal change is regulated (Dredge & Jenkins, 2007:33)

Role of the state? Decisions within society, to ensure that everyone is “happy”.

What are the likely effects of the decisions and actions taken?

How these decisions are made, and the distribution of power in the decision-making, are explained by various ‘theories of the state

‘Interest groups are formal or informal collectives of non-governmental actors and agencies organised around common interests’

They challenge the state to balance competing interests in a more explicit and transparent manner than would normally be the case in a closed bureaucratic policy-making system.

Plane stupid – a non-violent direct action group funded by donations, basically against airport development and flights.

Welfare State Client Interest groups – Australian Council of Social Service, or Shelter in UK which campaigns against homelessness

Spontaneously... - Hong Kong’s Umbrella protests in 2014, Catalonian protests, NFL players ‘taking the knee’ to protest against Donald Trump’s racist remarks. Hashtag ‘metoo’ – in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal people have used the ‘me too’ hashtag – an example of a virtual protest.

  • Travel Notes
  • Microsoft Word 412 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 34 pages (6843 words)
  • University
  • Evelina
  • Tourism - Public Policy
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Tourism - Public Policy. (April 3, 2019). Reviewed on 16:17, March 6 2025