To Raise Awareness About Deforestation

To raise awareness about. Deforestation. Deforestation - the. Deforestation definition. Although deforestation first became a serious concern in the 1950s. The start of Deforestation. Examples of Deforestation. Conversion of forests for other land uses. Causes of Deforestation. Effects of Deforestation. Soil. Solutions to reduce Deforestation. Plant a Tree where you can. Do not use firewood to heat up your fireplaces. Raise awareness in your circle and in your community. Quote to remember. Thanks for your attention!
Conversion of forests for other land uses.2. Forest fires.3. Illegal and unsustainable logging.4. Fuelwood harvesting.
Soil Erosion and Flooding. 2. Loss of Habitat. 3. Climate Change. 4. Increased Greenhouse Gases.
- Agriculture Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 10206 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 10 pages (190 words)
- Gymnasium
- Matas