The Main Features Of The Central And Eastern European States

The main features of the Central and Eastern European States.

CEE states have re-orientated themselves from recipients of aid to donors and this transition has been ‘quicker than expected’. Despite the speed of transition, all states have, or are close to having, the legal and institutional structures in place. Those donors that have fully embraced the challenge of development cooperation before accession to the EU – have accepted the goal of meeting their ODA commitments and have developed healthy civil society organizations. They have identified clear priority countries, in particular the former Yugoslavian and CIS states, as well as sectors, especially transition sectors, where they have a comparative advantage. The Czech Republic is thus far the leading donor, becoming the first non-DAC member from the region to undergo peer review.

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  • 2015 m.
  • Lithuanian
  • 1 page (283 words)
  • Rytis
  • The main features of the Central and Eastern European States
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The main features of the Central and Eastern European States. (November 25, 2015). Reviewed on 16:33, March 6 2025