The Influence Of The Media And Society

The influence of the media and society. How many ways media had influenced the society. Content. Introducion. Media - is. Positive effects. The media helps common people to exchange information. Negative effects. Some news given. Survey ‚. * Answered the second year students. How the positive can be enhanced? The positive mass. How the negative can be minimazed? Negative effects can be minimazed while avoiding the bad news. Conclusion. Media plays a vital role in every one‘s life. Information sources.
Media - is a tool capable to provide information for a wide range of people. The most important media purposes is transfer appropriate message in the most appropriate time, in the most appropriate place. Mass media often leads us to our choice, lifestyle, clothing, and even communication. It can call teacher of life, because some people live their life following the live updates and trying to apdapt near them. Hovewer, media have positive and negatives sides which affects our lives.
Some news given in the internet, newspaper or many other media things may rise blood pressure and create negative feelings in the mind. Media has bad example for children. ( For example: fast food, movies with violence) The mass media offten takes free time and turns it unproductive. ( serials, films).
- Social Media Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1119 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 11 pages (412 words)
- University
- Odeta