The Effects Of Social Media On Teens

The effects of social media on teens.

Lastly, teens might lose their self-confidence because of social media. Instagram is a site where people can post pictures and communicate with their followers. It might seem fairly simple, but this site has now become a black hole that completely absorbs confidence of people. Beautiful, rich people gain millions of teenager followers and they set an example of what life is supposed to be like. For example, most teens are not super skinny, do not drive Porsches and they most likely will never have those things in their lives, but because of these influencers teens feel like they are failures for living a normal lifestyle. So in general, influencers are setting up unrealistic ideals for teens and that makes them self-conscious or even suicidal.

  • Social Media Essays
  • Microsoft Word 14 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (314 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • AndrikaitytÄ—
  • The effects of social media on teens
    10 - 1 votes
The effects of social media on teens. (December 4, 2019). Reviewed on 16:28, March 6 2025