Television Industry

Television industry.

Nowadays everyone has television and only a minority of people would say that media plays a small role in their lives. Television is a great source of information, you can learn about new products, various discounts, you can even learn about past, current and upcoming events. Considering the vast amount of various channels in numerous topics, such as: music, movies, documentaries, education and various others, television could also be considered as one of best free time activities.

Kaip ir minėjau pradžioje, televizija suteikia mums taip pat ir daug naudos. Žiūrėdami ją galime ne tik papromogauti ir pailsėti, bet ir sužinoti daug reikiamos informacijos. Mano nuomone, labai naudingos laidos yra tos, per kurias galima aukoti pinigus sergantiems vaikams ar didvyriams, išgelbėjusiems kitiems gyvybes. Tokių akcijų metu žmonės geranoriškai aukoja pinigus ir taip padeda kitiems.

As I already mentioned in the begging, television can provide many benefits. Besides its entertainment and relaxing values it’s also a great source of information. In my opinion, most beneficial are charity shows, because besides teaching about other people’s lives and encouraging to help, it also provides an easy way to financially support people who are in need of money.

Advertisements make full use of all visual and acoustic aspects that television can provide, such as onscreen text, music, various visual effects. One of the most popular ways to advertise is to show viewers how he will feel after buying a certain product or service. Most of the people watch television in the evenings while resting. Advertisements, besides promotion, can be also used as an influential tool to create an image.

Kiekvienais metais yra atliekamos apklausos, kokius kanalus žmonės labiausiai žiūri ir taip atliekami tyrimai parodo, kokios laidos kelia reitingus. Aš pasirinkau tris programos tipus ir iš jų išrinkau po vieną populiariausią kanalą. Tai tarp lietuviškų televizijos kanalų jau daugelį metų konkuruoja TV3 ir LNK, tačiau populeresnis yra TV3 kanalas. Muzikos srityje labiausiai klausomas yra MTV, o sporto žiūrimiausias kanalas yra VIASAT sport baltic.

  • Film & Television Papers
  • Microsoft Word 24 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • English
  • 5 pages (2117 words)
  • University
  • Ugnė
  • Television industry
    10 - 3 votes
Television industry. (November 8, 2016). Reviewed on 17:16, March 6 2025