Talk About The Questions You Gave Me

Talk about the questions you gave me. What do you like about Discord/how do you use it? What games do you play? What kind of event experience do you have? Tell us about why you like going to events! What do you do when you aren’t gaming? Why should we pick you to represent Discord? What came first the chicken or the egg? Points for creativity. Big points.
1. What do you like about Discord/how do you use it?2. What games do you play?3. What kind of event experience do you have? Tell us about why you like going to events!4. What do you do when you aren’t gaming?5. Why should we pick you to represent Discord?6. What came first the chicken or the egg? Points for creativity. Big points.
I have been at Infoshow, where was a LAN party. I have been at GameOn, which was on my birthday.