SW - USA - Population Studies

SW - USA - Population Studies. Availability of gold and oil has attracted hundreds of thousands of people to work in the mining industry. The city now covers more than 000 sq. Km of land. Table showing US States with the highest population State Population State. Table showing US States with the lowest population State Population State. Countries and regions of South America Country Population Major Cities. French Guyana Fr. Million people - Capital - Montevideo population. New York grew as an economic centre. Wall Stock Exchange and the nearby NASDAQ. In 1883 - Brooklyn Bridge was opened. China – One Child Policy. Th Year Class Project on Population Structure. Demographic Transition Model Stage 5 examples Japan and Germany.
Population Distribution in the South West USA: The population of the south-west of the USA has grown by 1,500% over the past 90 years- but the population is not evenly distributed across the region. The population is concentrated in the urban areas and along the eastern and southern coastlines. The cities with the highest densities are San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Houston. These cities have over 400 people per sq. km. Much of the interior of the USA is lightly populated with fewer than 50 people per square kilometre.
Physical and human factors have contributed to this distribution. In the past, the (San Francisco 49ers) Gold was discovered in 1849, sparking off a gold rush that attracted miners from all over to California- many of these people stayed even when the gold ran out. The hot Mediterranean climate in the south-west coastal region attracted older people from northern states who retire to the region. Tourism and recreational businesses have become important in the warm climate. Many people move to the south-west for better quality of life, more open spaces, less congestion and increased leisure opportunities along the coast and inland in the national park areas such as the Grand Canyon. The presence of the high-tech industry in Silicon Valley in California attracts educated migrants from all over the North America and the world.
Los Angeles has a population of nearly 14 million and is the second largest city in the USA after New York. Its container port is the country’s largest and it is a major trade hub for the Pacific Rim region- one of the most important trading regions globally. LA became a city in the 19th century-The gold rush of 1849 was an important factor in its growth- oil was discovered in the early 1800s and by the early 20th century LA was producing 25% of the world’s oil. In 1932, LA hosted the Olympic Games and this led to the development of recreational facilities and new roads. Transport is another factor affecting the growth of LA- the city’s local tram system was closed down in the 1940s and since then LA has become car dependant- and the city suffers from an acute problem of urban sprawl.
Its suburbs extend for many kilometres into the desert – the city now covers more than 1,000 sq.km of land. Another factor affecting the growth of LA was water supply. The growing urban population needed water because the climate was so dry, local supplies could not cope with demand. A massive aqueduct over 400 kilometres long was built to bring water to the city from the north-east of the state. LA receives much of its water from the Colorado River – however, because of the serious drought affecting the whole south-western region- the Colorado has lost much of its water capacity and the city has to introduce strict water conservation measures. Los Angeles has many ethnic communities and the city has some very unique enclaves reflecting this diversity including.