Sunburn And Swallowed Objects

Sunburn and Swallowed objects. Causes of sunburn. Sunburn is caused by exposure to too much UV light. Symptoms. Redness Feeling of heat. Complications. Regular sunburn causes premature aging of skin. Prevention. Wear long clothes and stay in the shade. Apply sunscreen. Treatment. Over the counter or precription medications can be used to control the pain. Home remedies. Cool the skin. Take a pain reliever Wear loose cotton clothing over the burned areas. Risk factors. Having Fair skin Working or vacationing someplace sunny Sunbathing while intoxicated Working outdoors. Trivia. You can get. References.
Redness Feeling of heat on skin Pain and tenderness Swelling Blisters Severe sunburn might cause headaches, fever and fatigue.
Regular sunburn causes premature aging of skin, AKA photoaging. Skin cancers Eye damage.
Wear long clothes and stay in the shade. Apply sunscreen.
Take a pain reliever Wear loose cotton clothing over the burned areas.
Having Fair skin Working or vacationing someplace sunny Sunbathing while intoxicated Working outdoors.
- Medicine Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 576 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 12 pages (173 words)
- University
- Roberta