Student's Motivation Essay

Which has more positive impact on academic achievements at school a student’s self motivation or a motivating teacher.
Which has more positive impact on academic achievements at school: a student’s self-motivation or a motivating teacher?
There are many tools which can help a student to get academic achievements at school. Usually, students are motivated by teachers. They try to encourage them to work harder if they want to achieve better results. But student’s self-motivation has a more positive impact on academic achievements at school and there are some reasons why.
First, it is needed for a student to realize and reconsider what really is important for him at school. Usually, students try to motivate their self at school because if you want to get in a better college or university or even get a better paid job, you need to study at school. If a student is a self-motivated, it will be easier for him to achieve better results, because he will have goals.