Spending Money Essay

Spending money (2) .
Firstly I’m going to present the statistical data of the graph, then I will compare the situation in the US with the situation in Lithuania about spending money. Finally, I will speak about the purposes of spending pocket money.
As I told in my introduction I will begin with the interpreting of the graph. The graph shows how American families spend their money in 2013. A closer look at the data reveals that American families spend a lot of money for housing. Least money is spent for clothing and pocket money for children. So much for it.
Now let’s move to the second question, where I will compare the situation in the US to the situation in Lithuania about spending money. American people trying to make they house beautiful as much as they can, so they spend all their money for that. Lithuanian people spend a lot for maid service. Well I have compared the situation in the US to the situation in Lithuania.
To summarize my talk I want to say that money roll the world, but we don’t need to be addicted of them.