Social Media (4)

99 documents
Digital media vs Print media
Digital Media vs Print Media. Print media pros. You buy , you keep. It allows you to disconnect. Print media cons. Can’t Keep Up. Readers now expect a full picture. Limited feedback Digital media pros. Higher reader engagement. Social sharing ...
Social Media, 2 pages
2017 06 14
How to be a journalist
How to be a journalist. Honing your skills. Finding a subject. What to charge. Marketing and business development. Generating ideas. An annual business plan. Writer’s Block and Editing. Business issues. They over rely on one client or one ...
Social Media, 5 pages
2016 04 23
Journalist. Journalist career. Good journalist specifications. Journalist`s freedom. Journalism tips. Key skills for journalists. Tools every journalist needs. Truth or lies? History. Journalists in danger. Journalist usually asked these ...
Social Media, 16 pages
2017 03 29
Mass media (opinion essay)
Lastly, media helps people to form an opinion about the things they haven’t ability to see in a real life. For instance , people haven’t opportunity to know each candidate closely, but mass media gives all the information and facts that is ...
Social Media, 1 page
2017 03 18
Mass media presentation
Content. Introduction. What is mass media? Types of mass media. About television. Facts about television. The bright side of television. The dark side of television. About internet. Facts about internet. Conclusions. Questions.
Social Media, 17 pages
2017 05 10
Mass media project
The means of communication. Types of mass media. Radio TV Newspapers and magazines People Internet. Radio. About 97 percent of the population listen to the radio. Tv. Television attracts the largest number of viewers. Newspapers and magazines. ...
Social Media, 15 pages
2016 11 22
Media helps to know more about celebrities
Furthermore, It is the job of media. Magazines, newspapers or television just reflect about celebrities to us and it helps us to know more about them, because a lot of people look up to their favorite star, for example wants to sing like ...
Social Media, 1 page
2016 02 07
Public communication
Public communication. Word list. Purpose- goal, objective Implement- realize Initiate- start Various-many. What is the purpose of public communication? Initiate and implement various communications projects. Public Communication Studies consists ...
Social Media, 7 pages
2016 10 25
There will be printed newspapers in the future
There will be printed newspapers in the future.
Social Media, 1 page
2015 10 07