Slides On Adoption

Topic objective is. What is adoption? How is custody different from adoption? Who can become an adoptive parent? Myths about adoption. What fostering for adoption is? How long do adoption procedures take? List of citizens of the republic of lithuania wishing to adopt. Children can be adopted. Conclutions. Thank you for your attention. Reference.
Adoption is an opportunity to give a new family to a child who cannot grow up in a biological family. It is a legal process in which all the rights and responsibilities of the biological parents are transferred to the adoptive family. Adopted children lose any legal relationship with their biological parents and become full members of the new family. The child's biological parents have no rights to their adopted child, and the adoption process is confidential. Adopters are considered the parents of a child by law. The adopted child may be given the name of the adoptive parents, the name may be changed.
Working-age adults of both sexes, but there must be a minimum age difference of 18 between the adopter and the adoptee. When adopting your spouse’s child or adopted child, the age difference can be reduced to 15 years. In exceptional cases, the court may allow older people to adopt; Spouses. Unmarried persons cannot adopt the same child.
How long do adoption procedures take?
The duration of the adoption procedure depends on the age, gender, health condition of the child to be adopted and the number of children to be adopted. If families of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania living in Lithuania who wish to adopt a child apply for adoption, the preparation takes up to four months - training lasts for three months and one month is devoted to filling the documents. Families of foreign citizens in Lithuania can adopt only children who meet special criteria, children with serious health problems, older children (from the age of 7 ), groups of three or more siblings.
According to the data of 28-02-2022, 219 families or persons wishing to adopt a child. - 15 families (persons) have already submitted documents for adoption to the court, - 25 families (persons) have obstacles to adoption (addressing the child's legal status or other reasons), - adoption proposals submitted to 2 families (persons), - 168 families (persons) are waiting for children's offers for adoption.
- Sociology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 665 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 13 pages (788 words)
- College
- Aurelija