Slides About Music

Music. My Research Question. List of Relevant Words. What Is the Effect of Music on the Listener? My Research Question. My research type is experimental. Information about the respondents. Review of the received data. Conclusion.
Composing – Komponavimas Composer – Kompozitorius Muses - Graikų Mitologijos Deivės.
I played different music genres and asked them how they feel and what do they imagine.
My respondents were students of music academy, age from 19 – 21.
Jazz – They really like the jazz music, lot of them were smiling, relaxing. Classic – Then I started to play classic music the mood of my respondents have changed, lot of them started to look seriuos. Boogie Woogie – This genre is one of my favorite, then I start playing, all of them started to dance. Pop – Then I played this genre they started to laught.
All have different taste of music, and different genre effect every person differently.
- Music Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 2160 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 16 pages (581 words)
- University
- Dovydas