Research On The Tobacco Products Smuggling Under Border Control Point

Research on the tobacco products smuggling. Research object. The aim. Research tasks. Research methods. Legal regulation of tobacco products. Tobacco. the rate of the excise tax rate. Tobacco products detained in the Nida border area in a number of packages. Cases of tobacco smuggling detained at the Nida border checkpoint from 2015 to. Based to Article. Conclusions.

Analyze smuggling of tobacco products statistics in 2015-2018 at the border control post of the Nida Coast Guard Border Officer.

Provide legal regulation of smuggling of tobacco products. To analyze statistical data on the smuggling of tobacco products in the territory of the State Border Guard Service Coast Guard in 2015-2018 and to provide problematic aspects.

Tobacco, an agricultural product obtained from the leaves of tobacco plants. Tobacco is smoked in the form of cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, as well as pipes, hookah, bong. There is also chewing tobacco and snuff. The tablet contains alkaloid nicotine, which is a potent neurotoxin, particularly harmful to insects. In most countries, as in Lithuania, the use of tobacco products is restricted due to health damage and strong dependence, with a minimum age of 18 years. Also, many manufacturers of tobacco products have to put health warnings on their packaging, or next to advertisements. Lithuania since 2007 has banned smoking in restaurants, cafes, bars, other catering establishments, clubs, discos, except for specially equipped cigar or pipe clubs.

Lithuania is one of the top countries who has the most illicit cigarettes per capita in the European Union (EU).

  • Law Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 312 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 14 pages (677 words)
  • College
  • RimantÄ—
  • Research on the tobacco products smuggling under border control point
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Research on the tobacco products smuggling under border control point. (August 7, 2019). Reviewed on 16:31, March 6 2025