Religion & Spirituality (2)

49 documents
Easter day
Easter day. By Aiste Paulauskyte, Auguste Paulauskyte 1b. Easter before. Easter before, I and my sister cleaned the room and closet. Home decorations. Later we. Easter eggs. The next day. Easter morning. Our family has a tradition of celebrating ...
Religion & Spirituality, 11 pages
2016 02 07
Kryžių kalnas Hill of crosses
University of applied sciences faculty of management and economics tourism ant hotels management hill of crosses. Kaunas 2015 content dictionary. Hill of Crosses Place. Religious meaning. Number of crosses. The Franciscan  monastery of the Hill ...
Religion & Spirituality, 10 pages
2015 05 18
Christmas in Greece
Christmas. In. Greece. Greek Christmas (ChristougenaGetting ready for Christmas. Greeks start decorating. Christmas decorations. Greece is a. Wishing and singing carols. On Christmas Eve. Presents. Children get their presents on New Year’s Eve. ...
Religion & Spirituality, 9 pages
2022 05 29
Christmas Traditions in Ireland
Christmas Traditions in Ireland. A Light in the Window. One old custom. Decorating the House. Houses are decorated with natural material such as holly. Christmas table and eat. Traditional, historic, Christmas food in Ireland include a round ...
Religion & Spirituality, 6 pages
2018 01 09
Day of the soul in Lithuania
Grėta Kondrotavičiūtė Ia class. Day of the souls’ in lithuania. Day of the souls’ on 2 November is a special time in Lithuania. On this day is a public holiday in Lithuania. It is believed.
Religion & Spirituality, 5 pages
2018 02 19
Easter festival presentation
Easter. A festival and. Eggs and chicks. Easter eggs. Easter is celebrated. Celebrating. The Easter Bunny is similar to Christmas's Santa Claus. Easter Bunny. Households spend $131 on Easter each year, $. Intersting facts. Thank you for ...
Religion & Spirituality, 7 pages
2017 12 19
Egyptian Gods
Egyptian Gods. Goddess Nut. Nut was the. Goddess Tauridė. Tauridė - infants. God ra. Note - The Sun God and father of all gods. God Ptah. Ptah (of opening. God Sebek. Sebek -Nilo god. Depicted as a crocodile or a man. God Khnum. Khnum ...
Religion & Spirituality, 11 pages
2017 12 08
Sikhism slides
Sikhism. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded during the 15th  century in the PunjAB region of India. Sikhism is. The father of sikhism. The founder of. Guru- A spiritual guide. Gu = Darkness. How Sikhism came to be. Core Sikh beliefs. ...
Religion & Spirituality, 14 pages
2018 11 13
This is your Christmas presentation
This is your Christmas presentation. Instructions for use. Hello! I am Rudolf. Ho ho ho. This is a festive title. Rejoice! And tables to compare data. You can also split your joyful content. In two or three merry columns. Use dashing charts to ...
Religion & Spirituality, 25 pages
2019 01 14
Weihnachten in Deutschland
Weihnachten tradition in Deutschland. Die Adventszeit. Der Startschuss für. Weihnachtsbaum. Für die meisten Deutschen ist ein geschmückter Tannenbaum der symbolische Mittelpunkt des Weihnachtsfestes. Der Adventskalender. Es handelt sich dabei ...
Religion & Spirituality, 6 pages
2018 03 17
Christ's Resurrection Church
Christ's Resurrection Church. Christ's Resurrection is a monumental Roman Catholic church in Kaunas, Lithuania. The church was. The church is built of concrete and bricks. Lithuania regained its independence in. In 1940 Church confiscated. During ...
Religion & Spirituality, 7 pages
2017 01 17
Christmas presentation
Christmas. Christmas or Christmas Day (Old English Crīstesmæsse. Eastern Orthodox icon of the birth of Christ by St. Th century. Up to the. Santa Claus. Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas. Traditions. Christmas Day is. Christmas ...
Religion & Spirituality, 12 pages
2016 05 24
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Prepared Kornelija Lekšaitytė Ia. Goddess Nut. Nut was the. Goddess Tauridė. Tauridė - infants. God ra. Note - The Sun God and father of all gods. God Ptah. Ptah (of opening. God Sebek. Sebek -Nilo god. Depicted ...
Religion & Spirituality, 9 pages
2017 06 01
Feng shui presentation
Feng shui. Feng shui is. Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over. Chi. In traditional Chinese. Bagua. The bagua is. The Chinese horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, forward momentum, and endurance.  . Feng Shui Symbols to ...
Religion & Spirituality, 10 pages
2015 12 15
Greek Mythological Creatures
Often when people think of mythology, they think of the gods and goddesses. However, there is a wide variety of mythological creatures. Today I am going to talk about two famous Ancient Greece monsters, featured in many books and movies of these ...
Religion & Spirituality, 1 page
2015 11 10
Protestantism in England
Introduction. 2p. Origin of the name. 2p. Characteristic protestant principles. 3p. Popular Protestantism. 4p. Protestantism in England. 5p. Wycliff. 6p. Henry viii. 6p. Edward VI. 7p. Mary. 8p. Conclusions. 8p. References. 10p.
Religion & Spirituality, 11 pages
2017 02 01
Religion in England
Religion in England. The established religion in England is the Anglican Church of England. In 1534, King Henry VIII separated the English Church from Rome Since the Reformation. Christianity. Anglican. Christianity arrived in Britain in the 1st ...
Religion & Spirituality, 13 pages
2015 05 27
St George Day
St George‘s Day. Content. When is St George’s Day? Who was St George? St George’s emblem is the flag of England. What did St George do? How do people celebrate St George’s Day in England? Thank you for your attention!
Religion & Spirituality, 8 pages
2015 09 14
St John's Day
St John's Day. St John’s day. Public holiday In. John and Janice. Lithuanians with the names John and Janice receive many greetings from their family. The traditions. People usually dance fun dances and sing songs sitting next to camp fire. ...
Religion & Spirituality, 8 pages
2016 12 08