Quiz English Can Be Funny

Quiz english can be funny. Which is larger the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean? What is the biggest state in the USA? What is the tallest mountain in Africa? What is the biggest state in the USA? Alaska. What is the tallest mountain in Africa? Kilimanjaro. What was the. What does your heart pump? Which is the nearest star? Which is heavier gold or silver? How many legs does a butterfly have? What is the study of plants called? What does your heart pump? Blood. Which is the nearest star? The Sun. Which is heavier gold or silver? Gold. How many legs does a butterfly have? Six. What is the study of plants called? Botany. Which female of singer had a big hit called “Baby. Which pop singer married British movie director Guy Ritchie? Which classical composer became deaf near the end of his life? How many strings does a boss guitar usually have? How many instruments are there in a string quintet? Which pop singer married British movie director Guy Ritchie? Madonna. Which classical composer became deaf near the end of his life. How many strings does a boss guitar usually have? FOUR. How many instruments are there in a string quintet? Five. W. What is the largest running race in the Olympic Games called? In boxing, what do the letters K. O. Stand for? In which sport are a bow and arrow used? What sport is played at Wimbledon? What colour are the five Olympic rings? What is the largest running race in the Olympic Games called. In boxing, what do the letters K. O. Stand for? Knock out. In which sport are a bow and arrow used? Archery.

What is the largest running race in the Olympic Games called?

What is the largest running race in the Olympic Games called? The marathon.

What colour are the five Olympic rings? Black, blue, red, green, yellow.

Which of these is a vowel G, E B or C?

Which of these is a vowel: G, E, B or C?

  • Languages Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 1356 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 62 pages (669 words)
  • School
  • Regina
  • Quiz english can be funny
    10 - 2 votes
Quiz english can be funny. (October 5, 2019). https://documents.exchange/quiz-english-can-be-funny/ Reviewed on 16:26, March 6 2025