Profession Of A Police Officer Essay

Profession of a police officer.
Hello. Today, I will be talking about the profession of a police officer and what it means to be a police officer in today’s society. I believe that in the current state our society is in, it is absolutely essential that we have strong, fit, and overall, just police officers on our streets, protecting the people that live on them.
In the survey, people were asked, "What the qualities of a good police officer are". The quality that was brought up the most amongst the people surveyed was “caring”. Then, tied for second and third place were, “strict” and “responsible”, which were both at 70%. Lastly, coming in fourth place, is “serious”.
I believe that one of the best qualities for a police officer to have is responsibility. An irresponsible police officer would effectively fail to do their duty of fighting crime. Another great quality for a police officer to have is empathy.