Principles Of Microeconomics By Libby Rittenberg And Timothy Tregarthen

SC Principles of Microeconomics. Tuo pačiu metu endeavor. Reikšti leisti suprasti greed. Sumažinti sutrumpinti induce. Įdėja sąvoka plausible. Sritis sfera Peruse. Tirti atidžiai skaityti Keen. Išimtinai middle income. Vidutinės pajamos incur. Užsitraukti patirti expenditure. Klaidinga argumentacija variable. Teigimas tvirtinimas conceivable. Galimas daiktas Elaborate. Nutarimas underlying factor –. Sakyti šnekėti tiesiai šviesiai inevitably. Neišvengiamai chiefly –. Naudingumas to grapple. Gauti įsigyti nuisance. Pagerinti padidinti endowment. Įnašas indėlio skyrimas prosperity. Primigtynai reikalauti tvirtinti Restriction. Tik tiktai Concave. Įvertinti Precisely –.

middle-income - having an income that is not low and not high (vidutinės pajamos)

bluntly - speaking without trying to be polite or considering other people's feelings (sakyti/šnekėti tiesiai šviesiai)

to grapple - to fight, especially in order to win something (susigrumti)

hence - that is the reason or explanation (taigi ,vadinasi)

insist - to say firmly or demand forcefully (primigtynai reikalauti,tvirtinti)

  • Economy & Finance Reviews
  • Microsoft Word 32 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • English
  • 6 pages (1529 words)
  • University
  • Lina
  • Principles of Microeconomics By Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen
    10 - 1 votes
Principles of Microeconomics By Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen. (December 8, 2017). Reviewed on 06:46, February 3 2025