Presentations (99)
Basics. President. Vytautas the Great. Lithuania reached the height of its power under his reign. Climate. Sports. Lithuania is well. Here are some of historical sites. Grand Duke Gediminas founded Vilnius in the13th century. Trakai castle. ...
Etnology, 82 pages
2016 11 09
Lithuania vs. France. Location. Area. 65300 km. Population. Lithuania. Currency. Unemployment. Inflation. Inflation is defined. Gdp. The gross domestic product (GDP). Traditional clothing. France Lithuania. Interesting facts. France is the ...
Travel, 13 pages
2017 04 25
Lithuanian amber. Baltic amber is. Found since Neolithic. Benefits of wearing amber jewelry. Natural Baltic amber jewelry is an excellent pain relief for head. What could be. "Fishing" of amber. “Baltic Amber Road”. And if your curiosity and ...
Chemistry, 16 pages
2016 09 12
Lithuanian food. All countries have their traditional food. Cepelinai (Zeppelins) Zeppelins are probably the most popular dish in Lithuania. Beetroot soup. Šaltibarščiai (Beetroot Soup) Beetroot soup is a popular summer soup because it‘s ...
Food, 9 pages
2017 05 24
Lithuanian independence day. What is it? Lithuanian national holiday for Lithuanian independence act commemoration. What happens on this day? In the main cities of Lithuania commemorations are held. What do people do? People don’t go. The ...
Etnology, 6 pages
2017 01 22
Lithuanian language. The language of the earliest Lithuanian writings. Old Lithuanian. The Lithuanian language. Dialects. Dialects are divided. Lithuanian is spoken. Geographic distribution. ,955,200 people in Lithuania or about 80% of the 1998 ...
Languages, 8 pages
2016 04 29
Lithuanian mythological creatures. Perkūnas. Perkūnas is the most important Lithuanian god. Velnias. Velnias in Lithuanian folklore. Teliavelis. Teliavelis is known. Medeina. She is a ruler of forests, trees and animals. Saulė. Saulė is ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2016 05 17
Lithuanian Song Festival. Lithuanian song festival begins on July 5th. Song Day. Song day meets all Lithuanian choir. Dance daY. Dance day going siemens area. They Start july 7th. This day is very fun. This festival is the Lithuanian tradition. ...
Culture, 9 pages
2017 02 07
Kanklės. The Kanklės (pronounced [kʌŋkles]) is one of the oldest Lithuanian folk stringed instruments. Gouged from one. Birbynė. A birbynė is. In the 19th century, influenced by classical instruments and especially the clarinet. The ...
Music, 11 pages
2015 09 27
Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian athletes. Lithuanian athlete. Rūta Meilutytė is a Lithuanian swimmer. Lithuanina athlete. Martynas Pocius is a Lithuanian professional basketball player who currently plays for Galatasaray. Laura Asadauskaitė ...
Sports & Fitness, 13 pages
2017 01 26
SU-31 vs Lituanica. Su. The Sukhoi Su-31 is a Russian single-engined. Specifications. Length 6 83 m Height . Also. The Sukhoi Su-31aeroplane demonstrates superior acceleration and rate-of-climb performance. Achievements. Ramon Alonso. 2008 ...
Transport, 16 pages
2016 04 08
Living On The Moon. How to breathe on the Moon. Where to sleep on the Moon. Food to eat on the Moon. Keeping clean on the Moon. The Social and Environmental Costs and Benefits of living on the Moon. Where to go the bathroom. on the Moon. What to ...
Astronomy, 9 pages
2017 02 23
Local accommodation. Accommodation types in Lithuania. Variety of accommodation. Vilnius Grand Resort hotel. Le Paysage Restaurant. Sunset Lounge & Bar. Bora Bora Grill. Classic room. Superior suit. Family room. Premium suit. Activities. Vilnius ...
Real Estate, 26 pages
2017 04 04
Logistic containers. By. Dry storage container. These are some of the most common shipping containers. Flat rack container. Flat rack containers. Open top container. Open top containers. Tunnel container. Tunnel container storage containers come ...
Logistics, 10 pages
2017 03 31
Specialty presentation logistics&trade emf 2 course, group 2. logistics and trade student. kristinas trepenskis. Study purpose. Study program purpose. The labor market in this category specialist grounding domestic and international logistics ...
Logistics, 7 pages
2017 05 12
London aquarium. Information. Located in the County Hall building Build in 1997 Open. Things to see and do. Over 5000 creatures. Vip experiences. Turtle feeding experience shark feeding experience wedding proposel diving experience. Sea ...
Travel, 7 pages
2016 05 17
London Fashion Week. Welcome to London Fashion Week. What is London Fashion week ? For which type of audience is suitable ? What you can do inside of the London Fashion week? Latest models and designs of fashion ? Where can you buy or get clothes ...
Fashion, 13 pages
2017 06 01
London. London. Population. Architecture. Tourism. Transport. Sports. The most visited monuments. British museum. London Eye. Big Ben. Westminster Abbey. National Gallery. Golden Hind. City Hall. St Paul's Cathedral. Buckingham Palace. Science ...
Geography, 23 pages
2016 03 25
The loudest sound in history. Can you guess? Lets start describing the sound. Let’s say you were in Boston. And your’e friend heard a sound all the way from new york. What if the sound was from Dublin and came to Ireland. Impossible right? ...
Physics, 13 pages
2017 05 25
Madagascar. Madagascar is located. Baobabs trees. Ranomafana National Park. The park is home to several rare species of flora and fauna. Amber Mountain National Park. The park is known for its water falls and crater lakes. Rova of Antananarivo ...
Geography, 14 pages
2016 01 20
Madonna Louise Ciccone . She was born. Madonna’s biography. Madonna has got. Appearance. Madonna is very popular, maybe because she is good singer and actor. Character. Queen of pop. Likes and dislikes. Descent-kilmė,nusileidimas. ...
Music, 7 pages
2016 01 30
Ever Heard Of A Little Thing Called. The World? Who discovered the world? Ferdinand Magellan. Not Flat. Bigger And Round. Once upon a time. ~. Spice Islands. First journey. August 10. 270 men and five ships. South America. Strait Of Magellan ...
History, 22 pages
2015 12 05
Mako sharks and blue whales. Kristijonas Nasyrovas and Julius Adamonis 8a class. Mako sharks. Fact about the Mako Shark. They are the fastest of all species of sharks in the world. What does a Mako Shark eat? Mako Shark body. The mako shark has a ...
Biology, 7 pages
2017 01 16
Maldives. Republic of Maldives. The Maldives is. Toponymy. The ancient Sri. History. Ancient history and settlement Buddhist period Islamic Period British protectorate. Geography.The Maldives remained largely unknown to tourists until the early ...
Travel, 13 pages
2017 04 27
Mammals. Little about mammals. The word "Mammal" is modern. All female mammals nurse their young with milk. Elephants. Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. The giant panda. The giant panda is ...
Biology, 9 pages
2016 04 11
Management. Kaunas. What is management? What is administrative management? What is the differences between administrator and manager? They may seem the same, but there are some differences. Manager is somebody. Administrator is a simply person ...
Management, 8 pages
2016 11 14
Management styles. What is management? Management in businesses. Management styles can be categorized into two main contrasting styles autocratic permissive. Management styles are also divided in the main categories autocratic paternalistic ...
Management, 9 pages
2017 03 28
Maria Sharapova. Maria’s biografy. Maria Sharapova is a proffesional Russian tennis player. How she came to sport. Maria’s father Yuri. How she reached her fame. Sharapova first hit the tennis scene in November in. Achievements. In 2004 she. ...
Sports & Fitness, 6 pages
2015 08 14
Marie Curie. Content. About Marie Curie Nobel prizes World War I Awards, honours, and tributes. About Marie Curie. Marie Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934) was a polish physicist. Nobel prizes. She was the first woman to win a Nobel ...
Politics, 7 pages
2016 10 09
Mark Twain. Rugile Navickaite IIIg. Mark Twain (1835-1910True Mark Twain name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876This novel is. First edition. The Prince and the Pauper (1882The novel represents Twain's first attempt ...
Literature, 10 pages
2016 03 12