Presentations (96)

3352 documents
Holistic Marketing
Holistic Marketing. (Marketing 3. 0 by P. Kotler). Philip Kotler. "Holistic Marketing is interrelated with marketing programs. Socially Responsible Marketing. This component extends. Internal Marketing. Internal marketing is. Relationship ...
Marketing, 9 pages
2017 01 22
Homelessness presentation
Homelessness. What is homelessness? Why do people become homeless? Stereotypes of homeless. Who the homeless really are? Why we need to stop homelessness? How to stop homelessness? Thanks for your attention .
Sociology, 8 pages
2017 05 18
Hotel presentation Atlantis Paradise Island
Atlantis Paradise Island. This tower’s lobby features The Dig and Ruins Lagoon. A French balcony with views of the harbor. Paradise Island's Adventure Water Park boasts waterslides. A total of. The 10,000-square-foot gym offers yoga and cardio ...
Travel, 10 pages
2017 01 28
How do animals move?
How do Animals Move? Some animals move by crawling. Some animals move by galloping. Some animals move by swimming. Some animals move by flying. Some animals move by slithering. Some animals move by leaping. Some animals move by climbing. Some ...
Biology, 15 pages
2015 11 26
How do write a personal letter?
How do write a personal letter? Put your address in the top right corner of the letter. Start with expressions like Hi/Hello/Dear. Start by. Tell your reader your news. 7. Commen on and ask about your reader’s life. Give a reason to end the ...
Other, 12 pages
2015 05 17
How global warming will change the way we live in the future
How global warming will change the way we live in the future. What is global warming? Global warming and the glaciers melting. Natural disasters. Global warming and the drought. How to slow down the process of global warming? Change the world for ...
Environment, 7 pages
2016 03 08
How jeans were invented
Jeans. May 20, 1873 marked an historic day the birth of the blue jean. Levi Strauss, a Bavarian-born dry goods merchant. One day the. Davis wrote to Levi to suggest that the two men hold the patent together. Soon, the first riveted clothing was ...
Lifestyle, 8 pages
2016 03 07
How to Analyze a Movie
How to Analyze a Movie. Costumes and props - What are they wearing. Acting - Did. Writing - How was. Gather basic facts. Common words and phrases used in film reviews. Hype –. Neutral. - suspenseful, dramatic, satirical. Positive negative. ...
Film & Television, 9 pages
2017 02 19
How to level a landscape
How to level a landscape. Introduction. Level is. Levels are classifield by. On the construction of level divided by. The Optical mechanical level. The Optical automatic level. The Digital level. The electronic level. The laser level. Elevating ...
Agriculture, 16 pages
2016 01 06
How to pursuit happiness
How to pursuit happiness? What is happiness? Happiness is a mental. Look for positive in all your experiences. Show yourself self-compassion. Living happily. Own yourself. Set meaningful goals for yourself. Focus on people, not things. Treat ...
Philosophy, 17 pages
2016 05 08
How To Respect Yourself
How To Respect Yourself. Think About What It Means To Respect Someone. Practice Basic Respect Towards Yourself. Recognize When People Disrespect You And Take Steps To Stop It. Recognize When People Disrespect You. Take Care Of Your Body. Get To ...
Psichology, 8 pages
2017 03 29
How to save water?
How to save water? Water saving tips the water in your food. Water saving tips in the kitchen. Water saving tips outdoors. Water saving tips in the bathroom. Water saving tips around the house. Water saving tips the water in the things you buy. ...
Environment, 9 pages
2015 10 11
How to start a small business
How to start a small business. Born to be a businessman. Anyone who conducts business, whether that business is on behalf of a small company. Before Starting own business. Before starting your. Decide on a. Choose a Name. Register Your Business. ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 12 pages
2017 06 03
Human senses
Human senses. Contents. Vocabulary History of human senses Sight Hearing. Vocabulary. Sense – pojūtis Sight. History. Aristotle is credited with the traditional classification of the five sense organs sight, smell. A sense is a physiological ...
Psichology, 7 pages
2016 02 08
Hurricane andrew
Hurricane andrew. Deimantė Dvylytė. Hurricanes are classified into 5 categories Overall. The most famous of the most powerful 5th category hurricane named Andrew. Andrew started as. Before the storm of the most dangerous areas were evacuated ...
Environment, 10 pages
2016 05 06
Hydrotherapy. What is hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy is a part of medicine and alternative medicine. How do people use it? Water therapy may be restricted to use in physical therapy. Hydrotherapy is used today in alternative medicine. Benefits of ...
Health & Nutrition, 9 pages
2017 02 28
Hyperloop. Hyperloop is changing the way we think about transportation. Elon musk. Elon Musk first. What is hyperloop? Hyperloop is the fifth mode of transportation. Hyperloop tech is revolutionizing transportation.  welcome to the future. High ...
Transport, 6 pages
2016 04 25
Ignalina town festivals
Ignalina town festivals. Autumn Festival gifts. Halfway through the. Lighting of the christmas tree. Every year in mid-December, the town of Ignalina center lights the Christmas tree. Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras - one of the main festivals of the redo ...
Recreation, 7 pages
2017 04 20
Illiteracy. What is illiteracy? Illiterate. Contents. Illiteracy -inability to read and write. Niger Literacy rate %. Most illiterate countries. South Sudan Literacy rate 31,9%. Burkina Faso Literacy rate %. Afghanistan Literacy rate %. Chad ...
Sociology, 13 pages
2017 03 29
Impact of globalisation
Globalisation. By the end of the lesson. Recap. Impact. Possible Questions. Today’s Questions. Question. Improvement in standard of living. Question. Increased competition among nations. Improvement in standard of living. Question. Widening ...
Culture, 24 pages
2017 03 13
Impact of technology in society
Impact of technology in society. Positive impacts of technology on society. Helps to us to communicate to others. Help us to aim better living. Helps us to gather information. Create programs for Private and Non Private Government Sectors ...
Technology, 24 pages
2017 05 28
Importance of Business Ethics
Importance of Business Ethics. Content. Introduction. Business Ethics. Foundations of Ethical Behaviour. Organizational/Business Ethics. The Role of Organizational Ethics in Performance. Ethics Contributes to Employee Commitment. Ethics ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 15 pages
2016 10 02
Important days in Lithuania
Important days in Lithuania. Content. Th January 16th February 11th March 24th June 6th July 23rd August. Th January. In 1991 Soviet Union military attacked Lithuanian independence supporters in Vilnius. Th February. Lithuania was annexed by ...
Culture, 9 pages
2016 12 14
Important leader
Important leader. Barack Obama. Barack Obama is the 44th and current president of the United States. Early life and career. Barack Obama's father. Barack Obama family. Ordered. Barack Obama achievements.
Leadership, 7 pages
2016 04 19
Income Inequality Poverty Poverty level
Income Inequality. Poverty. Poverty level. Definition of Poverty. Condition where people's basic needs for food. Almost half the. Facts about poverty. Billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). Hdi. The HDI shows the ...
Economy & Finance, 21 page
2016 11 21
Indefinite, definite and zero article
Indefinite, definite and zero article. When we use the? We also use the to. Definite article we use with. Indefinite articles (a,an) rules. Zero article rules. Fill the spaces with the , a, or an. Fill the spaces with a / an or the zero article ...
Languages, 12 pages
2015 05 28
Indian cuisine
Indian cuisine. Facts about Indian cuisine. 5000-year of history Different cuisines in one country Cooking methods. Facts about Indian eating habits. What do they eat? The myth of meat. Lunch time. Indian spices. Variety of spices. Many Indian ...
Food, 11 pages
2015 05 28
Infinitive ir gerund
To infinitive to play. without to infinitive play. gerund playing. Prefer Can’t stand Don’t mind. Look forward to In addition to Be used to Object to. There is no point cheating in the test. Be busy It’s worth What’s the use Have ...
Languages, 23 pages
2016 12 01
Influenza. Influenza- is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. Fever and extreme. Symptoms of influenza may include. Transmission. Influenza can be spread in three main ways by direct transmission. Epidemics. The first convincing ...
Medicine, 8 pages
2017 05 07
Influenza - flu
Influenza (flu). What is influenza? Influenza is one of the most common infectious and highly contagious airborne disease. The influenza viruses. There are three widespread types of influenza viruses - A, B and C. The spread of influenza. This ...
Medicine, 10 pages
2017 05 08