Presentations (94)
Folk medicine. Gua sha. Gua sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. Doctor fish treatment. Garra rufa are. Moxibustion treatment. Burning mugwort in. Bee venom treatment. Bee venom is given as a shot for rheumatoid ...
Medicine, 7 pages
2016 09 19
Food dishes. Zeppelins. Cepelinai or Didžkukuliai (singular cepelinas) are a Lithuanian national dish. Zeppelins recipe. Dumpling Mixture 8 large. Lasagna. Lasagne (/ləˈzænjə/ or /ləˈzɑːnjə/ or /ləˈsɑːnjə/. Crepes with ...
Food, 7 pages
2016 09 14
Word list. Food Poisoning. Contamination Factors. Types of Contamination. Pathways of contamination. The symptoms. Bacteria. Infection. Bacteria. Infection. Bacteria. Infection. Bacteria. Infection. Bacteria. Infection. Bacteria. Intoxication. ...
Food, 43 pages
2017 01 17
Food, shopping. and services idioms. Prepared Greta Ulinskytė 4B kl. Food idioms. Big cheese =. SPICE THINGS UP = make something more exciting. Shopping idioms. To pay over the odds = to pay too much for something. To go window-shopping = to ...
Services, 6 pages
2016 03 30
For what reasons is good to be volunteer soldier? Stonewall Jackson. People can choose between profesional soldier and voluntier soldier. When you are a warrior, you have all social garanties. Soldier has to. Serving to your. Soldiers have to ...
Sociology, 7 pages
2016 12 06
Forest ecosystem. Content. Ecosystem Forest ecosystem Factors of. An ecosystem is. A forest ecosystem is an area of the landscape. Factors of an ecosystem. Forest food web. Fauna and wildlife. Soil. Absence of soil. Accumulated organic layer. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2016 09 07
France. by Raminta. The flag. The French Revolution of. Paris. Is the capital and most-populous city ofFrance. Geography of France. France is a country. French cuisine. French cuisine consists of cooking traditions and practices ...
Geography, 10 pages
2016 02 07
The quantitative method of decision making. Problem. Financial problem The lack of funds(money). What would be , if we don’t solve this problem. Alternatives. Credit Investor Crowd funding State aid Friends , relatives. Criteria. Confidence ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 6 pages
2016 05 18
Future Earth. Why Look Ahead? 1000 Years. Humans in 1000 years. 10,000 years. Future Niagara Falls. Past and Future Niagara Falls. Humans in 10,000 years. 100,000 years. The Future Gulf Coast. Stars Change Faster than the Earth. Humans in 100,000 ...
Geography, 24 pages
2016 10 26
Future fashion. Tech trends. Solar panels. Some companies already started. Air bangle. Personal air purifier worn on the wrist sucks up and filters polluted air. Made of holographic. Response to environment. Helmet with navigation. Has a ...
Fashion, 9 pages
2016 05 23
Future impact of nanotechnology on medicine. Lecturer presented by. What is nanotechnology? The study and. Nanotechnology and medicine. Likewise in medicine. Nanotechnology and cancer. Doctors really want. Nanodiagnostics. It is the. ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2016 03 29
Future life. Optimistic Predictions. I think in the future will be flying cars. Will be the best technological progress. In the future, I think robots will do most of our housework. Pessimistic Prediction. The planet will be very dirty. Too much ...
Technology, 11 pages
2015 10 20
Future tenses. Present Simple. Present Continuous. Future Simple (Will). Future Continuous. Future Perfect Simple. Time expressions used with the future perfect. Future Perfect Continuous. Note. Going to (or the future continuous). Going to.
Languages, 12 pages
2017 04 23
Galaxies and the Universe. What Are Galaxies? Greek galax = milk William Herschel, 1783 A disk with the Sun slightly off-center. Th Century “Spiral Nebulae” Nearby. Where Are We in our Galaxy? The visible Milky. Galaxies and Globular ...
Astronomy, 41 page
2016 11 17
Gate of Dawn. The Gate of. Southern view as seen in. It was built. History. Southern side of the gate. The Chapel in. Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn. The icon of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn. On September.
Culture, 11 pages
2017 01 28
Gediminas castle. Lithuania. It is said. Gediminas Tower. Gediminas’ Tower (Lithuanian. The first wooden fortifications were built by Gediminas. Legend about the creation of Vilnius. Long long. Thank you for your attention! ! !
Travel, 6 pages
2017 05 11
Gediminas' Tower. Gediminas’ Tower is the remaining part of the Upper Castle in Vilnius. The first fortifications. Legend. Long long. He explained that. Now there is a museum in the Gediminas Tower. It is possible. Thank you for your attention! ...
Travel, 10 pages
2016 05 25
Genetically modified food. Content. Unknown words Definition What cause it? What the effects are? Solutions Sources. Unknown words. Genetically modified- genetiškai modifikuotas DNA- DNR Cross breeding- kryžminimo veiksmas Arachnid- voragyvis. ...
Food, 17 pages
2017 01 22
George Washington. George Washington was born on February. Biography. Of. George Washington. George Washington birthplace – Westmoreland County, Virginia. Continental Army. Augustine Washington – father of George Washington. Lawrence ...
Politics, 13 pages
2015 10 10
Georgetown University and University of Manchester. Georgetown University is a private research university in Washington. Georgetown University offers undergraduate degrees in forty-eight majors in the four undergraduate schools. Academics. ...
Education, 22 pages
2016 11 14
Country title x. Introduction. Specifics (planning). Specifics (rules and orders). Specifics (inflexibility). Specifics (no nuclear power and renewable energy). Specifics (punctuality). Gifts giving. Business dress code. Importance of business ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 24 pages
2015 12 06
Germany. Germany symbols. Flag. Germany nature. Germany climate. Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate dominated by humid westerly winds. Tourism. Germany is the. Some interesting facts. Germany is the most populous European country ...
Geography, 7 pages
2016 06 07
Germany. Content. Berlin — the capital of germany. Flag Of Germany. The president of germany. Coat of arms. Anthem of germany. Germany nature. Fact about Berlin. Germany is football country. The longest river in Germany is Rhine. Outdoor ...
Geography, 15 pages
2016 09 15
Gini coefficent, or Gini Index. What is Gini Index? Who invented it? Lorenz curve. The curve is a graph showing the proportion of overall. A number between zero and one. Calculation. In the Lorenz curve, the Gini coefficient is the. Gini ...
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2016 12 04
JSC "Gintaro baldai". Joint Stock company "Gintaro baldai" was established in. Company structure. Departments. Owner – he. Responsibilities. The owner is. Recruitment. In order to. Thank you for attention!
Business & Entrepreneurship, 7 pages
2015 11 13
Global Conflicts. Motivations behind War. Economic Angle to Warfare. Factors Ending War. Evolution of Weapons. Prehistoric Era-400000 years ago. Weaponry of The Ancient & Classical Age. 3000 BC-476 AD. Weapons From The Middle Ages 500 AD-1700 AD. ...
Military, 114 pages
2017 01 10
Global warming. What is Global warming? Global warming is. Greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHGGreenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth. Fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are fuels formed by. Possible ...
Environment, 8 pages
2015 10 06
Globalisation. Meaning. Employment opportunities. Globalization gives you a larger market. Price of commodities. Information flows. Socially. Gap between the rich and the poor. The natural resources. Tradition, custom and culture. Local ...
Sociology, 14 pages
2017 05 21
Globalization. There was a time when most regions were economically self-sufficient. What is globalization? It is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views. Types of Globalization. Economic Countries. ...
Politics, 12 pages
2017 04 26
Globalization. What is Globalization? Globalization is the process by which the experience of everyday life. Importance of Globalization and Roles in the 21st century. Globalization is important because it opens many doors of various fields of ...
Politics, 8 pages
2017 03 13