Presentations (92)
Electric cars. Structure. Electric car? What is this? When the electric car was invented? Advantages of electric cars. Disadvantages of electric cars. Solar cars. Conclusion. Resources. Thank you for your attention.
Transport, 14 pages
2017 04 18
Electric hybrid vehicles. Need Electric Hybrid vehicles. Concept of hybridization. Hybrid Vehicles. Classification. Mechanical power transmission path (MPTP). Electrical power transmission path (EPTP). Combination of mptp and eptp. Block diagram. ...
Transport, 25 pages
2017 05 28
Standard Grade Science. From this lesson you will learn. Electricity. Electricity Check Test. Electricity. Electricity Check Test Answers. Electric Shocks. Electrical Safety. Electrical Safety Check Test. Electrical Safety Check Test Answers. The ...
Physics, 48 pages
2017 05 18
Electricity. What is electric current? An electric current is a flow of electric charge. Direct current - DC. Direct current is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Alternating current - AC. In alternating current the movement of electric ...
Physics, 11 pages
2015 12 20
Electricity powered cars. Made by Vardenis Pavardenis, student at -----. Group. Why this topic? Motivation Why electric vehicles. Specific questions. As the experience. Sociology. Domestic Policy Goals. Motivation To Embrace Electric Vehicles. ...
Transport, 11 pages
2016 06 29
Electronic commerce. What is electronic commerce? Advantages and disadvantages. Perfect example of internet business. Online business ideas to start with no money. Thank you for your attention!
Management, 7 pages
2017 05 03
Elephants. Why they are disappear? Very expensive bone and tusk. Appearance. This is the. Exclusive properties. Trunk. Trunk elephants scrap branches elevates items. Ears. Enormous ears of. Diet. 200 kilos grass. Elephants populations. What is it ...
Biology, 10 pages
2017 05 28
Emigration in lithuania facts and figures. Prepared by Miglė Kazlauskaitė. My plan. Emigration who is an emigrant? reasons for emigration emigrants by the destination country. Emigration. Who is an emigrant??? Reasons for emigration. Lack of ...
Culture, 13 pages
2016 10 25
Eminem. Life. Marshall Bruce Mathers III alias Slim Shady but known as Eminem. Career. In 2000 Eminem made a lot of money for the first time. Mile. The movie. Drug addiction. Eminem has always. Eminem & Proof. His best friend Proof got shot in ...
Music, 10 pages
2017 05 02
Starts from birth through late adolescence. The first emotions for babies is. Joy Anger. Sadness and fear. Later more complex emotions. The experience of emotion includes several components. Many things influence the ways that children express ...
Psichology, 11 pages
2017 04 27
Endangered animal species! Tarzano chameleonas. Tarzan Chameleon found in the in humid place forest. Vėpsaėdis. Spalva labai įvairuoja. Patino galva pilka, patelės kiek išmarginta.
Biology, 6 pages
2016 10 28
Endangered Animals. Some endangered mammals. Asian Elephant & Blue Whale. Hybrid Spider Monkey. & Asiatic Cheetah. Some endangered birds. Marquesan Kingfisher,. California Condor & Whooping Crane. Some endangered reptiles. Hawksbill Sea Turtle & ...
Biology, 12 pages
2015 10 07
England. Geography. Geographically England includes. Climate. England has a. Etymology. England named after the British. General of England. Official language - English Capital. Architecture. Many English live in crowded cities and ...
Geography, 10 pages
2016 04 13
England and Russia athletes. Russia Athlete. Aleksey Vladimirovich Dmitrik was born on April. He won the. His first major win as a senior athlete came at the 2005 European Cup. England Athlete. Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton was born on January. ...
Sports & Fitness, 8 pages
2015 05 12
England. England's Geography. Key Facts on England. Climate of England. Religions in England. People Distribution. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Government of England. Economy of England. Tourism in England. Types of ...
Culture, 22 pages
2015 05 12
England. The work was done by Aistė 10b. London. London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. Population. London had an. Stonehenge. One of top tourist attractions in England. Big Ben. The 150 year. Windsor Castle. Located about ...
Culture, 23 pages
2015 12 14
England. Population in England. The main facts. The capital of England is London and the main cities Birmingham. The capital and the cities. Big Ben The name Big Ben is often used to describe the tower. England`s sightseeing. Canterbury ...
Geography, 8 pages
2017 01 13
England. Were is the England? England — is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Some fact‘s about England. Ethnic groups. Flag. It’s red lines in white color. It‘s England flag, not Great Britain. Famous places. Big Ben London ...
Geography, 8 pages
2017 01 22
England writers. A. William Shakespeare (1564 m. Chidiock Tichborne 1562 m. – 1586 m. rugsėjo 20 d. Tichborne's Elegy The Housedove. Daniel Defoe (1660–1731 m. balandžio 24) „Robinzonas Kruzas“. Jonathan Swift 1667 m ...
Literature, 14 pages
2015 06 17
English icons. Top 5 english icons. Icon 1. Big ben tower. Icon 2. Queen. Icon 3. Guardians. Icons 4. Underground metro. Icons 5. Paund english qurrensi. Lithuania Icons. Icon 1. Trakai. Icon 2. Croos hill. Icon. Icon 4. Gediminas Castle.
Travel, 13 pages
2016 01 17
Where the Red Fern Grows. Lesson 1 - Understanding Sentences. Determine if the following are complete sentences or dependent clauses. Video on Sentence Fragments. Brain Pop. Practice – Complete Sentence or Sentence Fragment?
Languages, 26 pages
2016 05 04
Subject/Verb Agreement. Examples. Brain Pop. Don’t be confused by plural words that come after the verb. Which is correct? Correct. Which is correct? Correct. Don’t be confused. Which is correct? Correct. Which is correct? Correct. Don’t be ...
Languages, 73 pages
2016 05 04
Correct Uses of the verb BE. Regular verbs work this way. Sometimes there’s a pattern to irregular verbs. Sometimes there’s no pattern. Other times you may not even recognize the verb. Singular Forms of the Verb BE. Plural Forms of the Verb ...
Languages, 49 pages
2016 05 04
The verbs –. DO and HAVE. Do Verbs. Write do or does to complete the sentence. Write doesn't or don't to complete the sentence. Have Verbs. Write has or have to complete the sentence. Write hasn't or haven't to complete the sentence. Practice ...
Languages, 40 pages
2016 05 04
Troublesome Words. Sit and Set. Sit on the chair. I set my gun down. Practice – Number your paper from 1 to. Lie and Lay. Lie (to lie down on a bed). lie, lay, lain, lying. Lay (to place something, to set something down). lay, laid, laid, ...
Languages, 119 pages
2016 05 04
Enlgish writer. J. K. Rowling. Born July 31, 1965, Yate, United Kingdom. Joanne Kathleen Rowling is a British novelist. Born in Yate. Rowling was born. Childhood and education. Rowling's sister Dianne was born at their home when Rowling was 23 ...
Literature, 11 pages
2015 12 02
Environmental issues. Air pollution. Water pollution. Deforestation. Acid rain. Land pollution. The biggest air polluter is vehicle traffic (petrol engines). Greenhouse gases are produced (global warming). Water pollution is created by oil slicks ...
Environment, 7 pages
2016 11 01
Environmental problems. Air pollution. At first, you have to know that there are two types of air pollutants. Primarily pollutants. The main causes of air pollution. Burning of fossil fuels. Sulfur dioxide emitted. Indoor air pollution. Irregular ...
Environment, 16 pages
2017 03 10
Environmental problems and social issues. Lukas Rimavičius. Enviromental problems. Global warming. Who causes it ? What is the impact on the environment. Endangered animal species. Black Rhino. About animals Habitat Lifestyle Why it is ...
Environment, 6 pages
2016 10 06
Ernest Hemingway. Fiesta. The sun also rises. Book report. Ernest Miller Hemingway. Ernest hemingway. In. The time – 1924 The novel begins in Paris. The setting. Jake Barnes – static, round. Lady Brett Ashley – static, round. Characters. ...
Literature, 12 pages
2016 12 06