Presentations (88)

3352 documents
Brazilian celebrations
Brazilian celebrations. Prepared by Adas Ložkinas 2c. Substance. Brazilian Carnival  Parintins Folklore Festival  Oktoberfest Bumba-Meu-Boi. Brazilian Carnival . This celebration takes place 46 days before Easter. Parintins Folklore ...
Etnology, 11 pages
2015 11 11
Bridges. Content. Information about bridges. Before designing the bridge. Basis concepts. History of bridge development. History of Bridge Development. Type of bridges. Beam bridge. Arch bridge. Suspension bridge. Cable – stayed bridge.
Real Estate, 21 page
2017 05 02
British eitiquette
British etiquette. How to eat. When eating, bring the fork or spoon to the mouth. Face to face. Introductions. If you are. Handshakes. A firm handshake. Form of Greeting. In Britain the handshake is the common form of greeting. In most houses in ...
Ethics, 20 pages
2016 02 28
British festivals
British Festivals. Burns’ Night (Scotland) January 25th. St Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) March 17th. Notting Hill Carnival August 31st. St Andrew’s Day (Scotland) November 30th. St Andrew’s Day (Scotland). Thank you for your ...
Culture, 10 pages
2016 02 16
Broken bones and dislocations
First aid. Broken bones and dislocations. Vocabulary list. What is the difference between fracture and dislocation? Fractures. Types of fractures. Open fracture. What can cause a fracture? Symptoms of fractures. First aid for fractures. For an ...
Medicine, 24 pages
2017 01 17
Brunei royal family
Brunei monarchy. Word bank. Heritage- paveldas Landscape - kraštovaizdis Foreign - užsienio Floorspace - gyvenamasis plotas Reigning – karaliauti Length - ilgis. History. Brunei is proud. The early history. Brunei now. Brunei is an. Sultan ...
Politics, 10 pages
2016 05 25
Bruno Mars
Peter Gene Hernandez. Early life. Born on October. Musical background. His father, Pete -percussionist His mother. Bruno with sisters and brother. Eric , Jamie, Presley, Tahiti, Tiara. Childhood. " My dad. Mars began picking up musical ...
Music, 19 pages
2015 09 28
Buckingham palace
Buckingham palace. Buckingham Palace is the official London resindence of the British monarch. Originallu known as. Buckingham House in. During the 19th. John Nash. Buckingham Palace Finally. Queen Victoria. The last major. The state rooms used ...
Real Estate, 14 pages
2017 04 03
Buckingham Palace presentation
Buckingham Palace. The Royal places have been guarded by the hold troops since. The Palace has. State Room. The Gold State. Throne in Queen's Robing Room, Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London, England. Buckingham Gardens. The Royal Family. ...
Culture, 10 pages
2017 01 24
Bulk carriers
Bulk carriers. A bulk carrier. Bulkers are segregated into six major size categories small. Since the first specialized bulk carrier was built in. The design of. Bulk cargo can. A bulk carrier's crew participates in the loading and unloading of ...
Transport, 8 pages
2015 12 15
Bullying presentation
Bullying. Bullying is a. What is Bullying? Physical a person is harmed or their property damaged. Types of bullying. A bullying culture. Where does bullying happen? Bad upbringing at home can make people insensitive to other people's feelings and ...
Sociology, 6 pages
2016 10 27
Bullying. What is bullying? Two types of bullying. Direct. Indirect. Bullying can be. Does it have to be a part of growing up? Characteristics of a Bully. Reasons. How to deal with bullying? Ways to avoid future bullying. Report, report, report. ...
Psichology, 26 pages
2016 04 13
Burj Khalifa
Burj Khalifa. Location. The Burj Khalifa is located in downtown Dubai, united Arab Emirates. Discription. Burj Khalifa is. Why it is know as Burj Khalifa? The name is. Pictures of construction. Burj Khalifa Now. Inside. In Burj Khalifa you can ...
Geography, 8 pages
2016 04 14
Burj Khalifa presentation
Burj Khalifa. The Burj Khalifa known as the Burj Dubai before its inauguration. Development. Construction began on. History of height increases. There are unconfirmed reports of several planned height increases since its inception. Delay. Emaar ...
Real Estate, 17 pages
2016 11 22
Business culture in Latvia
Business culture in Latvia. Basic information. Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of  Northern Europe. Business communication. Communication is a crucial aspect of doing business. Business dress code. Men wear suits and a tie Women wear ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 10 pages
2017 04 24
Business enterprise presentation
Business enterprise presentation. About company. Bussiness award. Category company specialize in. Aerospace and defence. Nuclear. Energy. Process. Food and beverage. Printing. Water tratment. Pharmaceutical. Biosciences and Scientific. ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 15 pages
2017 01 31
Business etiquette in Great Britain
Business etiquette in Great Britain. The UK is made up of four distinct entities. Business Introductions. When meeting someone. Dress Code. The dress code in British business culture is usually fairly conservative. Understanding Business ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 9 pages
2016 04 15
Bussines culture in Norway
Business culture in Norway. Business language. The main business language is Norvegian. Dress code. Business dress code is determined largely by industry. Shaking hands. Most Norwegians use first names in a business setting. Small talk. Although ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 8 pages
2017 04 11
Canada. Contents. The capital of Canada. Coat of arms, Flag of country. Geographical position. Rivers and mountain. Population, nationalities. Biggest cities. Traditions. Most interesting places to visit. National atheme. Bibliography. Thank you ...
Geography, 13 pages
2016 01 14
Canada presentation
Canada. Continent North America Capital Ottawa Population 82,507,874 Area 3,855,108 sq mi. Overview. Roman Catholic 46 % , Protestant 36 % , other 18 %. Religions in Canada. Located in the northern part of the continent. Flag of Canada. Emblem of ...
Geography, 10 pages
2017 03 06
Canada's top historical attractions
Canada’s Top Historical Attractions. Toronto's CN Tower. The idea of. Nowadays, CN Tower is one of the Canada's most famous landmarks. Ottawa's Parliament Hill. In the summer. Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The Canadian Museum for Human ...
Travel, 9 pages
2017 01 11
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment. Is punishment by death. The sentence that someone is punished by death. History of Death Penalty. First established under. Legend   . The Advantages of the Death Penalty. When criminals escape from the capital punishment. ...
Law, 20 pages
2015 11 18
Car service Toptis
Car service “TOPTIS’’. Services. Joints. Car Parts. CAR PARTS for all cars in the garage Toptis. Our tools and equipment. Mechanic Lifts. Our garage. Our reception. Workshop Services Garage provide 6 months warranty for works and fitted ...
Transport, 15 pages
2017 02 26
Carnaval of Venice
Carnival of Venice. History of the Venetian Carnival. Takes place in. Venetian Carnival was. Carnival & Masquerade Balls. Carnival-celebrates days of. Venetian Carnival Today. Starts two weeks. Masks of the Venetian Carnival. Today masks are. The ...
Etnology, 10 pages
2017 04 18
Cars and car industry
The Online Car Industry - Kanyi Masembwa - Mohd-Ridzwan Nordin - Preethi Parameswaran - Andrew O’Shaughnessy. Major Players in Online Cars Lead Generators Microsoft’s CarPoint Autoweb. Lead Generator Pass on. Basics. A Sample Front Page – ...
Automotive, 15 pages
2015 05 21
Certain food can poison people
Certain food can poison people. Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. In most cases. The symptoms of. The main symptoms include. What to do? The Worst Foods You Eat. 1. Processed meat. Frozen meals. Doughnuts. Potato ...
Food, 14 pages
2015 12 08
Charity. Food Bank. Twice a year. 2014 Food Bank collected and distributed to the needy 4 million tons. There you can. This charity donation people who is very difficult. Thanks you for watching.
Sociology, 9 pages
2016 05 09
Charity organization ,,Maisto bankas‘‘
Charity organization ,,Maisto bankas‘‘. About the Charity. The Lithuanian Food Bank was started in. In 2010, the Lithuanian Food Bank collected 2529 tons of food. Charity Initiatives. Collaborating with “IKI”. Lithuanian Food Bank. Thank ...
Sociology, 7 pages
2017 01 10
Charles Dickens presentation
Charles Dickens. Best known books of Charles Dickens. Bleak House. Great Expectations. Little Dorrit. David Copperfield. Our Mutual Friend. A Tale Of Two Cities. The Pickwick Papers. Hard Times. Dombey and son. Oliver Twist. Some photos of ...
Literature, 16 pages
2016 11 16
Child labor
Child labor. What is classified as child labor? Child labor, as defined by the International Labor Organization. Work they are forced to do. An estimated 60% of child labor occurs in agriculture. Lack of experience. Working conditions. As long ...
Lifestyle, 8 pages
2016 01 26