Presentations (84)

3352 documents
Unusual house slides
Unusual house. The house has. This extraordinary underground. Kitchen. Living room. Terrace. Bedroom. Thank you for your attention.
Design, 8 pages
2018 10 04
Unusual jobs presentation
Unusual Jobs. Line Stander. Line stander  queue. Water Slide Tester. When kids are in charge of choosing the hotel. Water Slide Tester p. You note any. Snake Milker. A snake milker. Sources.
Management, 7 pages
2019 05 07
Unusual places people live
Unusual places people live. Roussanou Monastery. Roussanou Monastery nowadays. Taktsang Monastery. The legend. Taung Kalat. Bagan. Casa de Penado. Not invited guests. Cappadocia. The name. Sources we used. Thank you for your attention.
Travel, 14 pages
2019 09 30
Unusual sports
Unusual sports. The World Alternative Games. Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales End of August. Wife carrying Gravy wrestling Bath tubbing Bog snorkelling Russian egg roulette. Activities. Wife carrying. 255metres. Gravy wrestling. People wrestle in pools of ...
Sports & Fitness, 9 pages
2018 10 23
Unusualy hobby
Project. Unusual hobby. Car Tattooing. Description. This hobby is designed to decorate your car in a variety of ways. Goal. Decorate your car with various inscriptions, drawings and symbols. Advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Improves ...
Transport, 6 pages
2018 11 19
Vehicles presentation
Vehicles. Car parts (outside). Rear light. Car parts (inside). Dashboard. Car types. Van. Off-road. Coach. Sedan. Ambulance. Vehicle documentats. Drivers licence. Vehicle technical inspection certificate. Identification card / passpor. Vehicle ...
Transport, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Vilnius as a tourism destination
Vilnius as a tourism destination. Why Vilnius? Arriving. Arriving by plane. Arriving by bus. Arriving by train. Arriving by car. By city bus. By taxi. By leased car. By city bikes. On foot. Tourists attractions in Vilnius. Cultural places. Local ...
Travel, 26 pages
2017 12 08
Violeta Urmana slides
Violeta Urmana. Life. She was born in Kazlų Rūda ,Marijampolė County. Voice. She is soprano and mezzo-soprano In June. Awards. 2001 Woman of. Roles. Amelia in Ein. Let’s listen!
Music, 6 pages
2018 10 04
Virgil Van Dijk
Virgil van Dijk. Wer ist er? Kindheit Club-Karriere Spielweise Persönliches Leben Patenschaft Meine Meinung Quellen. Virgil van Dijk – Profifußballer. Kindheit. Club-Karriere. FC Groningen. Southampton FC. Liverpool FC. Spielweise. Van Dijk ...
Music, 13 pages
2022 05 19
Voluntourism: how to make a difference?
Voluntourism how to make a difference! Volunteer works. Charity groups. Volunteers build homes. Volunteers protect endangered green turtles. Kenya. Botswana. Redang island. What volunteers should be? Am I volunteered? Thank you for your ...
Languages, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Vytautas Magnus University VDU presentation
Vdu/vmu. About. Vytautas Magnus University. Vmu library. It also fostering international studies in the Lithuanian language. Faculties. Faculty of Arts Faculty. Languages. Arabian Kyrgyz Korean Latvian Polish Lithuaniangesture Latin New greek. ...
Education, 14 pages
2018 10 24
Vilnius college of technologies and design. petras vileisis railway transportation faculty. transport logistics cathedral. Goals. History. Meaning of warehousing. Type of warehouses. Warehouse operations. Warehouse management system. WMS ...
Logistics, 13 pages
2017 12 19
Water cooling system in smartphones
Water cooling system in smartphones. As phones get more powerful, they also generate more heat. What is liquid cooling? The basic principle behind liquid cooling in smartphones work on the dissipation of heat. Modern smartphones are small ...
Technology, 7 pages
2019 10 21
Water footprints
Water footprints. Water footprint. The water foot print shows the extent of water use in relation to consumption by people. Why should you care water footprint? Fresh water. World water day. Ever year on 22 march day international world water ...
Environment, 6 pages
2019 06 06
Water pollution problems presentation
Water pollution. Water pollution is. Water pollution diseases, medical problems. Water pollutants may cause disease or act as poisons. Water pollution diseases, medical problems. Many water pollutants. What can you do? Use less water Clean, ...
Ecology, 7 pages
2022 06 20
Water transport slides
Water transport. Water transport is the cheapest and the oldest mode of transport. Water transport consists of. Inland water transport Ocean-transport. Advantages. Low Cost Larger Capacity Safety. Disadvantages. Slow Limited Area of Operation ...
Transport, 9 pages
2018 12 11
Water transportation (2)
Water transportation. Structure of today’s presentation. History of water transportation. How firs transport looks. Ways of Transportation. Terminal. Biggest water terminals in Europe. Port of Rotterdam  Netherlands. Port of Antwerp Antwerp ...
Transport, 21 page
2017 12 08
Weapon of mass destruction
Weapon of mass destruction. What is weapons of mass destruction ? Nuclear Weapons. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Biological Weapons. Chemical Weapons. All in all. Thank you for your attention !
Environment, 8 pages
2018 03 22
Weihnachten in Deutschland
Weihnachten tradition in Deutschland. Die Adventszeit. Der Startschuss für. Weihnachtsbaum. Für die meisten Deutschen ist ein geschmückter Tannenbaum der symbolische Mittelpunkt des Weihnachtsfestes. Der Adventskalender. Es handelt sich dabei ...
Religion & Spirituality, 6 pages
2018 03 17
Wellness tourism
Wellness tourism. Why Is Wellness Important To People, Business, & Government? Worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since. Wellness tourists-who are they? References. Thank you for listening. Have you got any questions?
Travel, 8 pages
2018 10 04
What is preservative?
Preservatives. What is preservative? Preservatives can be devided into three groups. Inorganic preservatives salt, sulfites Organic preservatives sorbic acid. Use. Salt for meat products Benzoates in jams. Harmful food preservatives. Benzoates ...
Food, 8 pages
2018 11 15
Why some countries succeed and others fail?
Practical Task. One puzzle of the world economy is that for 200 years. Production and Costs. The economic expansion. Resources are important. Some of the richest countries in the world have large oil reserves. Economic Success and History. ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2019 04 03
William Shakespeare „Hamlet“ slides
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Publication. Genre. Setting. Historical Relevance. Characters. Hamlet. Hamlet continued. Claudius. Gertrude. Polonius. Horatio. Ophelia. Laertes. Fortinbras. The Ghost. The Ghost continued. Rosencrantz ...
Literature, 28 pages
2018 12 06
Wind turbines
Wind turbines. Wind power. What is wind turbine? Types of wind turbines. Size of wind turbines. Structure of wind turbine. Inside of wind turbine. So how do wind turbines make electricity? Destroying. Advantages of wind power. Disatvantages of ...
Geography, 16 pages
2018 03 17
Windows 98
Windows. Content. What is Windows 98? Memphis? Windows 98 Second edition Windows 98 today? Windows 98 is a graphical operating system by Microsoft. Windows 98, first was codenamed Memphis while in development. Like its predecessor. Windows 98 ...
Software, 11 pages
2017 12 08
World disasters
2008 afghanistan blizzard.The 2008 Afghanistan blizzard was a very fierce blizzard but not record-breaking. About Afghanistan blizzard. Consequences. Some hospitals performed frostbite amputations on at least 100 people across the country. Why ...
Sociology, 6 pages
2018 02 19
World Hot Air Balloon Championship
World Hot Air Balloon Championship. Competitors take part in the FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championship near Gross-Siegharts. Rhett Heartsill of. Competitors approach a target during the FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championship near ...
Culture, 19 pages
2021 05 31
10 places which must be visited in London
Places which must be visited in London. Buckingham palace. Buckingham Palace has. London eye. At 135m, London Eye is the world’s largest cantilevered observation wheel. Big ben. Big Ben is the name given to the massive bell inside the clock ...
Travel, 12 pages
2017 04 06
10 ways to reduce energy costs
An average household. LED lighting could. Turning down your. After cooking. When the fridge. Skip the heat-based. Instead of washing multiple small loads of laundry every day. It is estimated. Open curtains and. Photovoltaic solar systems.
Devices & Hardware, 22 pages
2017 03 26
10 Worst Aviation Disasters And Plane Crashes In History
Worst Aviation Disasters And Plane Crashes In History. Iranian Air Force – 275 dead. On the 19th. Iran Air Flight 655 – 290 dead. During the Iraq-Iran. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. International passenger flight. Saudia Flight 163 – 301 ...
Transport, 19 pages
2016 05 18