Presentations (78)
My favourite animal. Where is scarlet macaw from? Macao is Central and South American parrot. How does the scarlet macaw looks like? Scarlet macaw has white face and brightly-colored. What does it eat? Macaw eats nuts, fruit, trees along with ...
Biology, 6 pages
2022 03 31
My favourite places and dishes. About me. In Vilnius. Two pizzas. Vilnius places. In London. Favourite restourant. Finishing. Thanks for your attention!
Languages, 9 pages
2018 10 04
My ideal holiday. Golden gate bridge. Alcatraz island. Hoover dam. Grand canyon national park. Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Central park. Times square. New york from helicopter.
Travel, 9 pages
2022 03 31
My motivational person.Gina Carano. Is an American actress, television personality, fitness model, and former mixed martial artist. Early life. Carano was born. Career. In 2006, Gina Carano appeared in ‘Ring Girls’. Awards & Achievements. ...
Self Improvement, 7 pages
2019 05 28
Project is made by Vesta skučaitė 8d.Eduardo and Raquel Ocampo . Builders and designers of ,, The shell house.On this wonderful journey, you will see breathtaking views, gonna swim in Caribbean water, and be located minutes from ...
Travel, 6 pages
2022 05 12
Narcotic substances, their characteristics, prevention. Introduction. Narcotic. Narcotic types. Tranquilizers. Side effects of tranquilizers. Stimulants. Drugs that are classed as stimulants include. Most commonly- abused stimulants. Stimulants ...
Medicine, 21 page
2019 06 04
NASA astronaut Mae Carol Jemison. American engineer, physician, and former NASA astronaut. "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. Mae Jemison. Education. Born in Alabama. Astronaut life. As NASA ...
Astronomy, 8 pages
2022 05 18
National cuisine of ukraina. Short description. Shortly About Ukraine. Ukrainian foods belong to the Eastern European cuisine. Paska (Easter BreadBorscht. Varenyky. Deruni (Potato PancakesUkrainian ryazhenka. Thank you for your attention.
Food, 10 pages
2022 03 31
Natural disasters. Natural Disasters types. Tornadoes and Severe Storms. Hurricanes and Tropical Storms. Floods. Wildfires. Earthquakes. Drought. The 2005 kashmir earthquake. On Oct. ,2005, Kashmir in Pakistan was hit by a. The 2004 Indian Ocean ...
Environment, 6 pages
2022 06 04
Nature and Nurture. The enduring developmental issue. Content. Nature versus nurture. Nature - nurture. Nature versus nurture. Nature – nurture issue. Determining the relative influence of nature and nurture. Developmental research techniques. ...
Psichology, 22 pages
2017 12 08
What‘s next? Opportunity to watch as many episodes at a time. VPNs and other. The “Innovation”, Blocking VPNs. Smart downloads. Netflix is rolling. Problem with the. Solving “Smart downloads. „The faster you can get to the next episode ...
Companies, 15 pages
2019 10 21
Non-renewable and renewable resources. Energy sources. Non-renewable resource is. Non-renewable resources. Coal petroleum. Coal, petroleum, and gas. Nuclear fission uses uranium to create energy. Nuclear energy. Coal. Oil. Solar. Solar energy is. ...
Environment, 14 pages
2019 05 20
Noun clauses. What is a noun clause? Starting the clause. Question clauses. Things to remember. Subjects. Subject complement. Direct object. Object complements. Indirect object. Prepositional complement. Adjective Phrase Complements. Noun phrase ...
Languages, 20 pages
2018 10 04
Oak and ash. More and more people are opting for a solid wood kitchen doors these days. Oak. As woods, oaks are considered to be a hardwood, heavy, long lasting and expensive. Oak features. Oak is also known for its strength and durability. ...
Engineering, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Old buildings in edinburgh. Copper clad dome at former St George's Church, Charlotte before the addition of the statue of Queen Victoria. Nelson Monument. In 1853 a. Scott Monument. Edinburgh born Scott was a popular author throughout the English ...
Real Estate, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Organ donation a gift of life. Organ donation. Organ donation is the process of removing tissues or organs from live. Different organs such. LIVE DONATIONS (When the person making the donation is aliveTwo situations under which organ donation ...
Medicine, 30 pages
2017 12 08
Our Environment. What is the environment? The environment is something you are very familiar with. In recent years. Our planet is changing. Here’s a list. Electricity. About electricity Electricity is a form. How to help? Lights out! Turning. ...
Environment, 8 pages
2018 11 17
Palanga amber museum. Klaipeda State College Student. Klaipėda. The Palanga Amber. Intersting things. The exposition of Palanga Amber Museum is exposed in 15 rooms. According to the. Palanga botanical park. Palanga botanic park. Vase. Panoramic ...
Culture, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Paris - is the capital and most populous city of France. The city is a commune and department. Transport. Paris people. Croissant Duck confit Snails. Popular dishes. Paris restaurant. Le Jules Verne Ciel de Paris Benoit Paris. Plants. ...
Geography, 8 pages
2018 01 09
Paris. Here are some monuments and buildings you can visit. Paris National Opera. The Eiffel Tower. In the Louvre museum. Outside of the Louvre museum. Champs Elysees. The Arch of triumph. Thanks for watching.
Travel, 10 pages
2018 11 21
Payment methods. Title. Introduction Key points Cash-in-advance Letters of credit Documentary collections Open account Conclusion. To succeed in today’s global marketplace and win sales against foreign competitors. Key Points. To succeed in. ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2018 02 19
People who changed the world. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King. About Martin Luther King. In. How did he changed the world? King adhered to Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence. King won the. How did his life end? In April 1968 he was ...
People, 9 pages
2022 04 21
Peter Pichler designs Tree House hotel rooms for forest in the Italian Dolomites. Project name ‘tree houses’ location dolomites. Peter pichler architecture. Ppa is a. Sharply pointed roofs. The treehouses will range between 35 and 45 square ...
Real Estate, 7 pages
2022 03 31
Phrasal Verbs. What is a phrasal verb? Phrasal verb = verb + particle. Phrasal verbs can be divided into groups. Intransitive verbs. Transitive verbs. Inseperable verbs. Seperable verbs. Short Summary.
Languages, 15 pages
2019 04 08
Plane preparation for take off. Placing an airplane in preparation spot. Power supply to the airplane. Connecting with the flight control center. System verification. Resource supplements. Luggage and cargo loading to the airplane. Passenger ...
Transport, 10 pages
2019 05 20
Plastic pollution. What is plastic pollution? How Long Does It Take Plastic to Decompose? It kills animals. It is Poisonous. It is Expensive. Effective Solutions to Plastic Pollution. Thank you for your attention.
Environment, 9 pages
2019 05 06
Plastic surgeries. Made by. Introduction. Plastic surgery is. Skin Grafting. A skin graft is the replacement of a patient’s skin. Reconstructive Surgery. The plastic surgery can be necessary for those people. Life quality. Sometimes plastic ...
Medicine, 11 pages
2017 12 08
Plusquamperfekt. Was ist das Plusquamperfekt? Das Plusquamperfekt wird auch Vorvergangenheit genannt und entspricht dem englischen Past Perfect. Beispiele. „Beim Fußballturnier schoss Jan drei Tore. Wie wird das Plusquamperfekt gebildet? Das ...
Languages, 8 pages
2022 05 18
Pollution and Landfills.What is pollution and landfill? Pollution- the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man-made waste. Problem. Solution. Use more public transport or start recyling instead of using car. ...
Environment, 8 pages
2018 10 04
Port of gdansk. The Port of Gdańsk is a seaport located on the southern coast of Gdańsk Bay in the city of Gdańsk. Inner Port. Gdansk Container Terminal Ferry terminal Polferries Westerplatte. Phosphates terminal Liquid and bulk sulphur ...
Transport, 9 pages
2018 10 16