Presentations (75)

3352 documents
Giant Panda presentation
Giant Panda. Content. The Giant Panda. How big, tall and heavy are pandas? DIET What do they eat? How many pandas are left in the wild? Breeding facts. Birth Facts. Adult facts. Can pandas fight back? Thanks For Watching.
Geography, 11 pages
2018 11 15
Global issues presentation
Global issues. Informally, a global issue describes any social. Population. In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living. Climat change. Climate change is. Climate change poses a fundamental threat to the ...
Geography, 8 pages
2019 01 07
Global warming - why it is important to us?
Global warming“. Content. How will it change the lifes we live ? The topic. Why it is important to us? Animals and plants. Rising sea levels. Temperature rise. Humans are largely responsible for recent climate change. Conclusion.
Environment, 13 pages
2018 02 19
Golden Ratio in Graphic design
Golden ration in graphic design. Objectives. Tasks. Definition of golden ratio. General usage of the golden ratio. Architecture. Paintings. Music. Nature. Design. Project. Tools and software behind the project. Project. Golden ration in graphic ...
Design, 17 pages
2019 01 13
Goths. Goths - one of the largest and most powerful East Germanic tribes. Gothic fashion is a clothing style marked by conspicuously dark. Goths wearing black. Goths favourites musics Bauhaus. Thanks for attencion!
Culture, 6 pages
2018 12 20
Gps history and Gps used
Gps. Gps history. Gps used. Location - determining a position. GPS USED Navigation - getting from one location to another. GPS USED Tracking - monitoring object or personal movement. GPS USED Mapping - creating process map. GPS USED Timing - ...
Communication, 7 pages
2018 11 12
Grammar: Do or doesn't
Don’t or Doesn’t. Game. Hehave a dog. Don’t. go to school. Great. She use a computer. We drink coffee. Mary help at home. You live here. They listen to you. Itell lies. Hedrive a new car. Catsfly. Itcost very much.
Languages, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Green logistics project
Green logistics describes. The focus of. Characteristics and Scope. Green logistics is considered compatible and beneficial to the environment. Environmental problems caused by logistics. Billion tons. Benefits. Improved customer satisfaction. ...
Logistics, 7 pages
2018 11 07
Greenhouse effect presentation
Greenhouse Effect. Global Heat Budget. Greenhouse Effect. The Greenhouse Effect works like a Greenhouse. Is the Greenhouse Effect. Good or Bad? Consider the Greenhouse effect on other planets. Global Warming. Causes an increase in Greenhouse ...
Environment, 20 pages
2018 04 03
Greenpeace presentation
Greenpeace is a. Greenpeace was founded by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe. Greenpeace states its. The global organization does not accept funding from governments. Greenpeace consists of Greenpeace International (officially Stichting Greenpeace ...
Environment, 9 pages
2019 06 13
Haccp in bakery
Haccp in bakery. What is haccp? What is a HACCP Plan for Bakeries? Seven principles of HACCP in Bakery. Premises. Food hygiene. Critical control points. A plan in place to deal with contaminated bakery products. Conclusion. Thank you for your ...
Food, 11 pages
2019 05 20
HACCP in cheese production
HACCP in cheese production. What is haccp? Cheese production. Safe cheese. Problems in cheese industry. Hazards and corrective actions. Conclusion. What should be done for safe cheese production? Literature list.
Food, 9 pages
2018 11 19
Hacking for dummies book review
Hacking for dummies, 3rd edition. (chapter I and IIWhy I chose this book. Part I Building the Foundation for Ethical Hacking. What’s a hacker? A maliciuous user. Network infrastructure attacks. Operating system attacks. Application and other ...
Internet, 12 pages
2022 03 31
Hardware and software used for creating films
Hardware and software used for creating films. Examples of different cameras. Hardware - Mobile phones. Content. The telephone. The mobile phone. The smartphone. The main qualities of the smartphone. One of the features – a camera. The usage in ...
Software, 26 pages
2017 12 08
Head injuries powerpoint
Head injuries. Content. Concept. Major types of head injuries. Hematoma. Hemorrhage. Concussion. Edema. Skull fracture. Diffuse Axonal Injury. Signs and symptoms. Seek medical care right away if there are. Treatment. Prevention. Facts. ...
Languages, 28 pages
2018 01 23
Health economics project evaluation
Health economics. What is health economics? Factors of health economics. Why Health economics is important? Health care demand. The scope of health economics is neatly encapsulated by Alan Williams "Plumbing diagram". Structure of discipline. ...
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2019 05 06
Health presentation
Health. What is health? Controls weight. Improves mood. Combats diseases. Boosts energy. What do you need to do to become healthy? What Does a Healthy Diet Consist of? How various food does affect your body.
Health & Nutrition, 10 pages
2018 02 19
Healthy lifestyle slides
What is a healthy lifestyle? Get active for an hour or more each day. Choose water as a drink. Eat more vegetables and fruit. Eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives. Active living. Thank for attention.
Health & Nutrition, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Healthy living week presentation
Healthy living week. The first step healthy food breakfast. Monday Breakfast 9-10am Lunch 12-13pm. Week sports. Monday Running at. Free time but Not sitting. Every day whenever you want. Do not stop drinking water. Every day after 2l. Dream. ...
Health & Nutrition, 8 pages
2021 05 25
Hegelmann Transporte
Hegelmann Transporte. Briefing about company Company‘s. Briefing about company. Company‘s history and development. Established 1998 Origins Development. Departments. Organasation‘s structure. Transportation. Car transportation. Freight ...
Logistics, 12 pages
2019 10 01
High speed photography
High speed photography. TECHNICAL SPECS 17. 92x14. 34mm active area, 14um pixels Global shutter settable from 1/10 to 1/. Usb ports. Included accessories. Ethernet Cable AC Power Adapter Nikon 50mm F. Operation. Proprietary Global Shutter. How ...
Photography, 10 pages
2017 12 08
History of anesthesia
History of anesthesia. What is anesthesia? Anesthesia is a. Anesthesia may be used to. Relax you Block. Dictionary. Soporifics – a. Jimson weed. Mandrake. The hystory of anesthesia. Early anesthetics. Early anesthetics were soporifics (which ...
Medicine, 15 pages
2017 12 08
History of information systems and it’s importance
History of information systems and it’s importance. Information Systems (IS)Components of Information Systems. Historical Perspective. Importance of Information Systems. Importance of Information Systems in business. The Benefits of Information ...
Information technology, 10 pages
2022 03 31
History of money (2)
History of money. Aim. Content. What is money? In the beginning barter. -6000 b. C. Cattle. B. C. First metal money and coins. Paper currency. The gold standard. End of the gold standard. The present. The future electronic money. References.
Economy & Finance, 13 pages
2017 12 08
History of the University of Cambridge
History of the University of Cambridge. Foundation of University. Foundation of the colleges. Myths, legends and traditions. Study programs and events in university. Schools, faculties and departments. Study programs. Facts about programs and ...
Education, 18 pages
2017 12 08
Hobbies, Leisure and Lifestyles
Hobbies, Leisure and Lifestyles. Leisure. The importance of having hobbies/interests. There are different kinds of hobbies. Hobbies for active & passive people. Hobbies for lonely people. Hobbies according to age. Teenagers. Hobbies of adults. ...
Culture, 24 pages
2018 10 04
Home Remedies slides
Home Remedies. Overview. Turmeric for pain and inflammation. Ginger for pain and nausea. Lavender for migraine and anxiety. Mint for muscle pain and digestion. Fenugreek for breastfeeding. Shiitake mushrooms. Eucalyptus oil for pain relief. ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2021 09 20
How „TED“ talks become successful?
How TED talks become successful? It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It. Jazz Hands Rock. Scripts Kill Your Charisma. Smiling Makes You Look Smarter. You Have 7Seconds. Conclusion. Thanks for your attention!
Business & Entrepreneurship, 11 pages
2018 03 17
How animated movies are made? presentation
How Animated Movies Are Made. The animation pipeline. The Animation Pipeline consists. Pre-production (idea. Pre-production. The Idea. Modeling. Texturing. Post-production. Compositing.
Film & Television, 7 pages
2022 05 12
How can trade preserve the earth?
How can trade preserve the earth? Content. Importance -Chosen company -Used methods -Is it working? -My advice. Chosen company and used methods. My opinion and is it working? Conclusion. Thank you for your time!
Environment, 7 pages
2022 03 31