Presentations (55)
Survey. Which is better to own a house/ flat or to rent it? Live in a queit residential neighbourhood or in a town/ city centre? Which would you prefer live in a flat or a detached house? What are pluses and minuses of living in a large city? ...
Lifestyle, 11 pages
2020 05 02
What is civil law? Civil law is. There are many categories of civil law, namely. Contracts Torts Property law Company law Commercial law Labour law Family law. Civil code. In 2001, the new Civil Code came into effect. Other important codes. Code ...
Law, 8 pages
2020 06 08
What is editorial design? Traditionally, it has referred to designing for newspapers and magazines. The goal of editorial design is to make publications attractive and pleasurable to read. How it all started? Editorial design is. The transition ...
Social Media, 10 pages
2022 04 26
Objective briefly tell. What is gmo. GMO, getically modified foods or GM foods. Map of countries that allow and ban GMO products. Gmo food. Corn. This is one of the larger genetically modified food sources. Tomato Genetically. Allergic ...
Food, 11 pages
2018 12 13
Healthy lifestyle. What is healthy lifestyle? Interesting facts relating to food. GMO. (genetically modified organisms). How safe are GMOs? The benefits of GMOs. Gmo damage. What are food additives? Coding of food additives. Differences between ...
Health & Nutrition, 25 pages
2018 02 19
What is marketing. What is marketing? ? ? Marketing includes? ? ? Brands. Are you loyal to the brands? [Useful vocabulary]. Some grammatical aspects. Now listening task . Questions for discussion. Do some exercises. Now tasks for your ...
Marketing, 11 pages
2018 12 08
What is relation between chemistry and electronics? Presentation content. How does the chemical reactions in batteries and cells work. (a) discharging. The bulb lights up for a short time. Lead - acid battery. The first type of batteries invented ...
Chemistry, 14 pages
2021 03 07
Klaipeda. What is Supply Chain? Role of Transportation in Supply Chain. Study programme Maritime Transport Logistics Technologies. Supervised by lecturer Paliakiene. The supply chain consists of the links between a firm and its suppliers. A ...
Logistics, 11 pages
2017 12 19
What mobile applications are most popular with students. Contents. Introduction Main part The results of the survey Conclusions. Introduction. A mobile app is a software application designed to run on mobile devices such ...
Technology, 26 pages
2019 11 27
What spelling rule will we use? Big. Bigger. Biggest. What spelling rule will we use? Hot. Hottest. Hotter. What spelling rule will we use? Thin. Thinner. Thinnest. What spelling rule will we use? Heavy. Heavier. Heaviest. What spelling rule will ...
Languages, 19 pages
2018 10 04
What treatments derived from citrus fruits. Klaipėda university faculty of health sciences. Benefits of citrus fruits. Citrus fruits have. Prevention potential of citrus. There is considerable evidence that citrus foods may help reduce the risk. ...
Medicine, 10 pages
2018 12 06
What you need to do that your business would be successful? Aim and objective. Aim Explain what you need to do for successful business. 13/05/. 13/05/. Step. Get Organized To be successful in business you need to be organized. Keep Detailed ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 14 pages
2018 10 04
Why companies become multinational companies. Introduction. Localization advantage Ownership advantage More customers First – mover advantage Increase sales and profits. Localization advantage. Build facilities that. Ownership Advantage. ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 9 pages
2019 05 21
Why nowadays family-oriented restaurants in USA fail to succeed? Recapitulation. Other reason why restaurants fail. Bankruptcy. Ongoing costs. ~$What can be done better. Gordon Ramsay’s Secret Ingredient to Sustained Success. References.
Economy & Finance, 29 pages
2022 04 21
Wie feiert man Ostern in Litauen? Karwoche. Die Feierlichkeiten zu. Gründonnerstag. Der Gründonnerstag, oder Didysis Ketvirtadienis auf Litauisch. Karfreitag. Am Karfreitag, Didysis Penktadienis auf Litauisch. Karsamstag. Am Karsamstag, Didysis ...
Etnology, 12 pages
2021 05 25
Wien. An der Grenze zu Ungarn 976 Babenberga gründete die Marke Ostarrîch. Zu Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs lebten etwa. Bevölkerung. Feri kreis. Wien Universität. Die Universität Wien nach der Universität Prag ist die älteste Universität ...
Geography, 11 pages
2018 01 23
Wildfire. Contents. Definition Main causes Regions where they are most common How prevent it. Definition. A wildfire - is an uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation occurring in rural areas. Main causes. Cigarettes ...
Geography, 7 pages
2020 04 04
William Faulkner. Biography – where and when he was born. Biography – His educational and family background. Biography – when and how he started writing. Biography – The genre of books he writes. Biography – His most famous book or ...
People, 9 pages
2019 10 23
William Shakespeare Biography. William Shakespeare was supposedly born on April 23rd. By 1594, he was acting and writing for the Lord Chamberlin’s Men. Shakespeare’s life was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and King James Shakespeare ...
Literature, 20 pages
2020 11 30
William Shakespeare. English writer. Birth. William Shakespeare was. Shakespeare‘s birthplace. Family. William was the third child, and first son. Education. Shakespeare attended the Stratford King’s Grammar School. Marriage. On November ...
People, 9 pages
2022 06 13
Windy Fire threatens California's iconic sequoia forest. A hotshot crew. A volunteer attempts. The Windy Fire expands in the Sequoia National Forest. Firefighters start a. The Windy Fire burns in Sequoia National Forest near California Hot ...
Environment, 26 pages
2022 04 01
Wolfgang. Amadeus Mozart. Who is Mozart? Mozart is a musician and pianist from Austria. Mozart Ancestor. Mother Anna Maria Mozart Father Leopold Mozart. How he started playing a musical instruments? At the age. In 1762 Mozart study by himself to ...
Music, 11 pages
2020 11 29
Wolves. Wolf habitat. Wolf Feeding. Wolf Anatomy. Wolf cummunication. Body language. Wolf predators. Wolf social-structure. Wolves types. Teeth. Young wolves. Wolves relationship. Wolves prevalence in Lithuania. Interesting facts. How many teeth ...
Geography, 25 pages
2018 10 04
Šiauliai State College. Faculty of Health Care. Analysis of professional article. Title of the article Women’s attitudes to beauty. To investigate women’s attitudes toward beauty. Aims. Patients/Methods. An in-depth questionnaire was ...
Beauty & Makeup, 17 pages
2019 04 07
World Records. By. What is "World record". A world record is usually. World's longest bridge. Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge. North. South. World's tallest statue. Statue of Unity. World's tallest building. Burj Khalifa. World's biggest stadium. ...
Sociology, 14 pages
2021 01 21
Worst Environmental Disasters in History. What is an Environmental Disaster? The Various Types of Environmental Disasters. Agricultural Disasters. The Dust Bowl . Biodiversity Disasters. The Rabbit Problem. Industrial Disasters. The Bhopal ...
Environment, 17 pages
2019 06 04
Writing letters/emails. Letters/Emails. Informal letters/emails. General outline for letters/emails. Semi-formal letters/emails. Formal letters/emails. Useful language for letters/emails of complaint. State exam.
Languages, 19 pages
2018 10 04
Yale University is a large research university with a wide array of programs. Yale mascot. Handsome Dan- is. History. In 1701 Yale was found in nearby Saybrook. In 20th Yale. Graduate & Professional Studies. Arts Humanities Social sciences ...
Education, 15 pages
2018 01 09
Youth culture. Youth culture is the way of young people live. It was the. Hippies. The hippie subculture. Hippies clothing was usually bright colored with unusual styles. Punks. Punk subculture began in the United States during the early 1970s. ...
Culture, 7 pages
2018 10 04
Žalgiris arena.Aim To get introduced to ‘‘Žalgiris‘‘ arena activities. Objectives To build a team To get acquainted. Company history and. Arena logo Žalgirio arena logo is made of stylized letter “Ž”. Employees. Sponsors. ...
Real Estate, 12 pages
2018 10 04