Presentations (106)

3352 documents
San marino presentation
San Marino. Officially the Republic. Three Towers of San Marino. Innumerable elements characterize the City of San Marino’s historic center. First Tower. The Guaita is the oldest of the three towers. Second Tower. ...
Geography, 7 pages
2017 01 12
Sasquatch aka Bigfoot
Sasquatch. Sasquatch aka Bigfoot is the name given to a mythological simian. Scientists discount the existence of Sasquatch and consider it to be a combination of folklore. Description. Sasquatch is described. Sightings. About one-third of all ...
Culture, 6 pages
2016 10 05
Schizophrenia. Plan. Short description. Myths. Causes. Genetic cause. Biological cause. Early signs. Negative symptoms. Positive symptoms. Recovery and Rehabilitation. Treatment. (Antipsychotic Medication). Definitions. Exercises. choose the ...
Medicine, 19 pages
2017 05 26
Scientists. Nicolaus Copernicus. Born 1473 February Died 1543 May He was a famous astronomer. Alexander Bell. Born 1847 March. Issac Newton. Born 1643 January. John Logie Baird. Born 1888 August. Marie Curie. Born 1867 November. Charles Darwin. ...
Physics, 8 pages
2017 03 19
Scotland presentation (2)
Scotland. Flag. History of Scotland. Scotland was first decisively settled after the end of the last glacial period. Holidays. Christmas, Hogmanay, St. Andrew‘s Day, Beltane, Dundee Fortnight. Capital Edinburgh. Favorite food. Scottish favorite ...
Geography, 7 pages
2016 12 12
Scotland: national costume
Scotland national costume. Scotland’s plaids and kilts specific to Scottish culture. Here's how they look. Even before the Scottish national costume contributes a black and white tie and hat. Here's the scotland’s hats. It also national wore ...
Etnology, 12 pages
2015 12 12
Sculptures under the sea
Sculptures under the sea. Installing sculpture in a gallery is one thing. Taylor has now created and founded two large-scale underwater museums. In 2009 a. There consists of. Each of the sculptures is made from specialized materials used to ...
History, 21 page
2017 02 23
Seasons. Winter. Winter is the time when the snow and cold. Christmas. Christmas Star Good maps. Spring. Spring - one of the four seasons of temperate zones. Easter. Summer. Summer - one of the four seasons of temperate zones. Ruduo. Autumn has ...
Geography, 8 pages
2016 05 22
Second conditional
Second Conditional. The second conditional is like the first conditional. Is it possible. Ifconditionresult Past Simple would + base verb IfI won the lottery. Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. The important thing. Sometimes, ...
Languages, 9 pages
2015 05 24
Semi-formal letter
Semi-formal letter. Semi-formal letter is. A formal salutation. Use always last. Introduction. Here you should. Semi-formal letter body. There you write the main subject of the letter in detail. A conclusion. This should be a last paragraph of ...
Languages, 10 pages
2017 06 03
Seven wonders of the world
Seven Wonders of the world. Pyramid of Giza. Hanging Garden of Babylon. Taj Mahal. TajMahal. Taj Mahal seen at distance. Great Wall of China. Niagara Falls. The Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon. The Panama Canal. Panama Canal. Thank You.
Geography, 35 pages
2015 11 26
Ship polliuton
Ship pollution. Domantas Kuras. Simonas Daukantas gymnasium. Task. What is Pollution? What is Ship Pollution problems. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Ship polliution problems. ...
Transport, 9 pages
2016 03 06
Ship power systems
Lithuanian maritime academy. maritime engineering. department. Ship’s power systems. Klaipeda. Electric power systems are designed for the production and distribution of electricity. Ship’s power system. Ship’s power system - a collection ...
Transport, 14 pages
2016 09 15
Shipping container architecture
Shipping container architecture. Contents. What is shipping container architecture? Advantages. Disadvantages. Examples. Manifesto House. Incubo House. Wfh house. Shipping Container House. Painted Shipping Containers House. Eco-Friendly Crossbox ...
Logistics, 22 pages
2016 12 29
Siberian Husky
School. Siberian Husky. Project made by Vardenis Pavardenis. M. Siberian Husky is a mammals. Siberian Husky is derived from the northern edge of where is the cold climates. Siberian Husky is. Siberian Husky eat natural food. The sources of ...
Pet, 6 pages
2015 12 14
Siberian tiger
Siberian tiger. By Narek Tunian. The Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger. Distribution of the Siberian tiger (in red). The Siberian tiger once ranged throughout all of Korea. The Siberian tiger. The fur of the Siberian tiger is ...
Biology, 7 pages
2017 01 15
Slavery in America
Slavery in america. Journey to the past. Content. Slavery Slave Patrols. Slavery. The patrol statutes required all white males to participate in slave patrol duty. Treatment. Slaves were punished by whipping. Slave Codes. First offense. Civil ...
Sociology, 17 pages
2016 05 11
Slow Loris
Slow Loris. Slow lorises are. Evolutionary history. Slow loris ancestors. Slender Loris. Where they live? They live in. *Asia *Bangladesh *India *Philippines. The eyes of slow lorises are large and have a reflective layer. While the slow. If you ...
Biology, 13 pages
2017 03 09
Smuggling. Smuggling is the illegal transportation of objects or people. History. In England smuggling first became a recognised problem in the 13th century. Types of smuggling. Goods. Much smuggling occurs. People smuggling. With regard to. ...
Transport, 16 pages
2016 05 11
Social etiquette in Europe
Social etiquette in europe. Words. Funeral - laidotuvės Inappropriate. FLowers. Chrysanthemums are given only at funerals. Roses are given when someone is in love. Yellow flowers are inappropriate at weddings. Hats,coats,shoes. It is rude to ...
Ethics, 13 pages
2017 01 11
Social etiquettes in Lithuania
Social etiquettes in lithuania. In Lithuania it is rude to champ when yuo are eating in public. In lithuania it is rude to point at someone with your index finger. When you are at a restorount,after a meal. In lithuania it is impolite to blow ...
Ethics, 9 pages
2016 05 11
Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Social Network Analysis (SNA). including a tutorial on concepts and methods. Background Network Analysis. Background Social Science. More examples from social science. Background Other Domains. Practical applications. Why and when to use SNA. ...
Sociology, 43 pages
2015 11 30
Solar System
The Solar System. Star 9 8 planets 63 (major) moons asteroids, comets, meteoroids. How are planet sizes determined? Measure angular size on sky, Then use geometry. The distances to. Using angular size to get actual size. Masses - determined. ...
Astronomy, 23 pages
2015 05 21
Sole trader
Sole trader definition Advantages and drawbacks of sole trader. In this fast. Sole trader Definition. Here the business. Positive. No requirement to. Negative. Sole traders have unlimited personal liability. Tax requirements. Send a Self ...
Sales, 11 pages
2017 04 01
Some Thoughts on Leadership
Some Thoughts on Leadership. by. Don C. Bramlett, PE, SMIEEE. IEEE Region 4 Director 2009. Workshop Content. Definition of Leadership. Interpersonal Effectiveness. Awareness. Ability. Commitment. Attributes of a Leader. Leader vs Manager. ...
Leadership, 94 pages
2016 10 06
Somnambulism. Content. Description of the disease Symptoms Treatment POLL DATA Terms. Is a phenomenon of combined sleep and wakefulness. More common in children than adults if a person is sleep deprived. Symptoms. Sleeptalking Little or no. ...
Medicine, 10 pages
2017 05 20
Song for a raggy boy
Song for a raggy boy. Written by Patrick Galvin. About book. “Song for a raggy boy” is based on a true story. The main characters of the book. Patric 13 years old Liam 15 years old Franklin - teacher. Description. Two young boys and ...
Literature, 10 pages
2017 01 23
Sony and LG analysis
Sony Corporation. & Lg Swot analysis. Made by. History of Sony. Started in. 2009 Sony bought. Strengths Strong corporate brand. SWOT Analysis cont. Weakness Sony’s plants located. Opportunities Applied acquisition and. Threats Unfavorable ...
Technology, 17 pages
2016 11 19
Spain. Biggest cities. Slides prepared Ieva, Julija, Gabija, Neda 7B. Barcelona. Barcelona - a city in the northeast of Spain. Montjuic castle. Sagrada Familia catedral. Collserola- The highest tower in Barcelona. Madrid. Madrid the capital. ...
Geography, 18 pages
2016 01 21
Spain celebrations and festivals
Spain celebrations and festivals. Festivals. ¨La Tomatina¨ - Valencia Tomato Fight Festival. Las Fallas Festival. La Rioja Wine Festival. Celebrations. April Fair. Semana Santa celebration. Baby jumping festival. Bull running festival.
Culture, 16 pages
2015 05 13