Presentation About Animal Communication

Animal communication. Content. What is animal communication Forms of animal communication Functions of animal communication. Communication—when we're talking. Forms of animal communication. Pheromones — chemicals Auditory cues — sounds Visual cues Tactile cues — touch. Pheromones or chemical communication. For some species of animals, communication is about pheromones or chemical markings. When a food. Auditory Communication. Auditory communication—communication based on sound—is widely used in the animal kingdom. For example, one study found that blue whales use different patterns of pulses. Visual signals. Visual communication involves signals that can be seen. Gesture and posture are widely used visual signals. An organism's general. Tactile signals—touch. Like humans, animals can rely on tactile communication -- touch -- to convey messages. For instance. Most common functions of animal communication. Obtaining mates. Establishing dominance or defending territory. Questions. Do you think. Sources.
What is animal communication Forms of animal communication Functions of animal communication.
Pheromones — chemicals Auditory cues — sounds Visual cues Tactile cues — touch.
Obtaining mates. Coordinating group behaviors. Caring for young.
Do you think animals understand us? Do you talk to animals? Is knowing how animals communicate important to us? Does an animal’s ability to communicate rate its intelligence? Could animals surpass us some day?
- Biology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 7527 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 16 pages (506 words)
- Gymnasium
- Inesa