Police Presentation

Depending on the administrative dependence, the police can be. The criminal police, state security border police water. Purpose to protect the public interest against the effects of crime by preventing. The criminal police. Paskirtis – apsaugoti visuomenės interesus nuo nusikalstamo poveikio. Military police. A military law enforcement institution operating in the national defense system. Karo policija – krašto apsaugos sistemoje veikianti karinės teisėsaugos institucija. Secret police. The secret police. The values of the Lithuanian police are. Our Man is honest, courageous and creative. Mūsų Žmogus - doras, drąsus ir kūrybiškas. Service uniform. Old model uniform. A new model uniform. Old uniforms are uncomfortable because. Women need to wear skirts, winter uniforms pass the cold.

The criminal police, state security border police water, maritime police air police customs police secret police armed police anti-terrorist police regional Traffic police fire police special police military police.

Purpose: to protect the public interest against the effects of crime by preventing, detecting and investigating criminal offenses.

A military law enforcement institution operating in the national defense system, a part of the army that prevents, reveals and investigates crimes and other violations of the law in the national defense system, maintains discipline and order in military territories and the army, supervises military traffic safety .

The secret police is an executive authority that links and merges police and special forces.

  • Law Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 938 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 12 pages (370 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Agne
  • Police presentation
    10 - 1 votes
Police presentation. (November 10, 2020). https://documents.exchange/police-presentation/ Reviewed on 13:07, March 6 2025