Plastic Surgery Essay

Plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery is done for serious injuries. For example, my sister had plastic knee surgery. She had an injury last summer and doctors had no other option just to have surgery. It was a plastic surgery because doctors took some of her shins and they added it in her knee. So in this situation plastic surgery was necessary. Also, plastic surgery can ease pain patients with birth defects suffer. There are children born with face or other body part defects. Those kids are going through a lot of bullying and they feel insecure. People want to feel good about themselves and how they look is a big factor in this matter.

  • Medicine Essays
  • Microsoft Word 10 KB
  • 2021 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (233 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • PraĊĦau
  • Plastic surgery essay
    7.3 - 3 votes
Plastic surgery essay. (April 3, 2021). Reviewed on 16:49, March 6 2025