Physics (2)
Electricity. What is electric current? An electric current is a flow of electric charge. Direct current - DC. Direct current is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Alternating current - AC. In alternating current the movement of electric ...
Physics, 11 pages
2015 12 20
Inventions. Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison was an American inventor,scientist and business man. Edison’s Light bulb. Thomas Edison did. Steam Engine. Steam engine was. First Cell Phone. The firs cell phone was created by Martin Cooper in.
Physics, 6 pages
2016 12 18
The loudest sound in history. Can you guess? Lets start describing the sound. Let’s say you were in Boston. And your’e friend heard a sound all the way from new york. What if the sound was from Dublin and came to Ireland. Impossible right? ...
Physics, 13 pages
2017 05 25
Renewable Energy Sources. Wind power Hydropower Solar energy Geothermal energy Bio energy. Biomass energy. Currently, this is the largest source of renewable energy. Hydropower. Used for 16% of world electricity production. Geothermal energy. ...
Physics, 13 pages
2017 03 13
Scientists. Nicolaus Copernicus. Born 1473 February Died 1543 May He was a famous astronomer. Alexander Bell. Born 1847 March. Issac Newton. Born 1643 January. John Logie Baird. Born 1888 August. Marie Curie. Born 1867 November. Charles Darwin. ...
Physics, 8 pages
2017 03 19
Temperature. Air temperature data. Isotherm. The controls of temperature. Land and whater. Why do land and water heat and cool differently? Ocean currents. Altitude. Geogaphic position. Cloud cover and albedo. World distribution of temperatures. ...
Physics, 36 pages
2017 05 25
To what extent can human science topics be studied with the same degree with reliability as evidenced in the case of the natural sciences?
Physics, 1 page
2017 06 11
Water. Interesting facts about water. You can get drunk on water. You need water more, than you need food. Water doesn’t always freeze at 0°C. Most of the earth’s fresh water is underground. There‘s alot of fun sport activities with water. ...
Physics, 20 pages
2017 05 01
Consist of : electrisity grid, tower, wind orientation control system, generator, anemometer, mechanical break, gearbox, rotor blade, rotor hubtower: Tower tall is about 100 meters all tower consist of several platforms which pupose is ...
Physics, 1 page
2016 12 11
Windpipe. What is the windpipe? The trachea, commonly known as the windpipe. Where is this organ? The trachea begins. What is the function of this organ? Its function is. What body system does this organ belong to? Respiratory System. Windpipe ...
Physics, 7 pages
2016 12 07