Pet Therapy Slides

Pet therapy. What is pet therapy? Pet therapy is a guided interaction between a person and a trained animal. Pet therapy origin. The early Greeks used horses to lift severely ill peopleās spirits. What are benefits of pet therapy? Interacting with a friendly pet can help many physical and mental issues. Pet therapy popularity. For now pet therapy is gaining lotās of popularity and emotional support. To sum up. To sum up.
Interacting with a friendly pet can help many physical and mental issues. It makes you happier, decreases chances of getting depression, and improves your outlook on life. It also helps reducing boredom. A lot of people also say that this therapy helps them improve their interaction with other people and increases willingness to join in activities. It also helps children overcome their fears and adults too.
For now pet therapy is gaining lotās of popularity and emotional support. Pet therapy helps families with autistic children, helps people with cancer, helps people get over their problems (etc.: depression) and also for elderly aged people. It helps children become self contained.
- Psichology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1621 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 6 pages (302 words)
- Gymnasium
- Ema