People (2)

52 documents
Presentation about Marie Curie
Maria Sklodowska (Marie Curie). Content. Early age New life in France New elements Husband Inventions and achievements Death. Early age. Born in. In school. Chemistry and Biology Opportunities were limited Was judged. New life in Paris. Extremely ...
People, 11 pages
2020 01 21
Rudolph and Gabriella Schindler slides
Rudolph and Gabriella Schindler. Rudolph Schindler. Dr. Rudolph Schindler, father of modern gastroscopy. Biography. Born to an. Gastroenterology. The early application. During his stay. Schindler‘s wife. Schindler’s wife, Gabriella, was vital ...
People, 7 pages
2020 06 10
Tamara Bach Vierzehn slides
Tamara Bach. Vierzehn. Gliederung. Inhaltsangabe Erzählstil Botschaft Interpretation Kurz über die Autorin Meine persönliche Meinung. Inhaltsangabe. Ein Tag im. Erzählstil. Du-Perspektive Kurze Sätze, leere Stellen Unwissenheit Kein ...
People, 10 pages
2019 12 30
The person I admire slides
The person I admire is Gordon James Ramsay. Gordon Ramsay was. Ramsay is married. Ramsay is known for presenting TV programmes about competitive cookery and food. He admire me with being completely ruthless and striving for complete perfection. ...
People, 8 pages
2020 10 15
Theodore Nelson presentation
Theodore nelson. Content. About Theodore Nelson What is hypertext and hypermedia. About theodore nelson. The founder of. "Computers, Creativity, and the Nature of the Written Word". January. Hypertext structure. Hypermedia structure. Literary ...
People, 14 pages
2022 05 14
William Faulkner presentation
William Faulkner. Biography – where and when he was born. Biography – His educational and family background. Biography – when and how he started writing. Biography – The genre of books he writes. Biography – His most famous book or ...
People, 9 pages
2019 10 23
William Shakespeare slide PPT
William Shakespeare. English writer. Birth. William Shakespeare was. Shakespeare‘s birthplace. Family. William was the third child, and first son. Education. Shakespeare attended the Stratford King’s Grammar School. Marriage. On November ...
People, 9 pages
2022 06 13
Covering letter, summer camp counselor
I am currently studying on Evangelical Collegiate Gymnasium and feel like my experience, knowledge, passion and love for children would make me a very good candidate for this job.This job is thing that I am really passionate about and I ...
People, 1 page
2022 04 21
Dwayne The Rock Johnson
Dwayne »The Rock« Johnson.Personal life.Early career.Acting career (Early years. 2010s and mainstream success.Producing.Legacy and career assessment.Other work. Glossary.
People, 4 pages
2021 10 20
English letter about me example
Thank you for your letter. I am very happy, because you agree to help me learn better English language. Now, I am studying intensively and do not have take much time of the English language. It is very good that you and I to communicate letters ...
People, 1 page
2016 11 23
Essay on Friendship
I really like sport, nature and art, but those things don't matter on my decision to choose friends. But if I really must to choose personality of »people who I like« and »people who I don't like«, then I choose like this. I like people who ...
People, 2 pages
2022 01 25
Homeless camp: The Jungle the forgotten in Silicon Valley's suburbs
Homeless camp: The Jungle the forgotten in Silicon Valley's suburbs.
People, 1 page
2020 03 31
Bussines leader Marry Barra
Business leader Mary Barra. Content. Biography Business sources Reasons why Mary Barra is successful business leader. Mary Barra biography. Birthday December 24, 1961 Education Kettering University (BS). Mary Barra personal life. Mary Barra is ...
People, 9 pages
2022 05 24
Famous people David Robert Joseph Beckham
Famous people. David Robert Joseph Beckham. David Beckham early life. David Beckham was born 2nd May 1975 in London. Beckham’s family. David was married. His house. His hobbie. He likes listening to music. His favorites are Jay-Z, Jonas ...
People, 13 pages
2017 12 08
People who changed the world
People who changed the world. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King. About Martin Luther King. In. How did he changed the world? King adhered to Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence. King won the. How did his life end? In April 1968 he was ...
People, 9 pages
2022 04 21
Steve Jobs slides
Steve Jobs. Linux is a. Lifestyle. Jobs was perceived. Apple. Apple was founded. IPhone. The first iPhone. The Macintosh computer. Jobs introduced the original Macintosh computer on January IPod. The iPod is a line of portable media players and ...
People, 9 pages
2018 10 04
The picture of Dorian Gray presentation
“The picture of Dorian Gray”. by Oscar Wilde. Purport. Oscar Wilde. What is novel? Novel “The picture of Dorian Gray”. Characters, narrator. Symbolism. Pictures.
People, 11 pages
2018 11 18
Top 5 Famous 21 century British people
Top 5 Famous 21 century British people. Famous British singer - Adele. Famous British actor – Thomas William Hiddleston. Famous British football player – Jamie Vardy. Famous British chef – Jamie Trevor Oliver. Famous British dancer – ...
People, 9 pages
2022 03 31
Mahatma Gandhi
He was born in 1869 in New Deli. Both of his parents were very religious. In his early age, Gandhi was deeply influenced by the religious behaviour of his mother and father. He was truthful and honest from his childhood. He was married in 1983. ...
People, 1 page
2017 03 13
My hobby essay
Today I am going to tell you about my hobbies. My favourite hobbies are playing basketball, playing volleyball, playing online games and listening to music. Firstly, I feel a great sense of enjoyment from playing basketball because ...
People, 1 page
2021 04 25
Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl. Content. Date of birth. Main facts. Born on13 September. Family background. Born to Norwegian parents Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene Dahl. Career and achievements. Served in the british army (August – November 1939Most famous ...
People, 8 pages
2017 05 22
Robinson Crusoe presentation
Vocabulary past forms of the verb. Was born. Adjectives. Quiet. Nouns. Adventure Sailor Thieves Prisoners Slaves Change captain. Choose the best question-word for these questions, and then answer them. (what/where/when/why/who). Was he. Summary ...
People, 6 pages
2017 05 16