People These Days Are Motivated By Self-interest

People these days are motivated by self-interest.
These days most people say that others think only of themselves, want to do good only for themselves and not for others. In my opinion, this is not true. The world is certainly not filled with selfish people. Some even live to help others rather than themselves. I will give an example of a person who is like an example who proves that nowadays there are people who are not selfish.
There are many famous people that we notice just because they are self-sufficient, who thinks only of themselves and use their name only to be even more famous and more popular. But why don't we see famous people who are different? Those who help others? I think we need to look at them and make them more famous than others.
- Self Improvement Essays
- Microsoft Word 11 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 2 pages (321 words)
- School
- Luka