Pablo Piccaso Presentation

Pablo Picasso. Biografija. Biography. Biografija. Biography. Biografija. Biography. Mėlynoji epocha. The Blue epoch. Rausvoji epocha. The Pink age. Afrikos įkvėptas epocha. The African-inspired epoch. Kubizmas. Cubism. Klasicizmas ir siurrealizmas. Classicism and Surrealism. Kiti darbai. Another works. Thank you for your attention.

Spanish painter, one of the most famous in the 20th century artists, best known as the pioneer of Cubism. Born in 1881,in Spain - died in 1973, in France. Although born and raised in Spain, Picasso spent most of his mature life working in France.

After studying in Madrid, Picasso traveled to Paris for the first time. There he met journalist and poet Max Jacob, who taught him French. Soon they lived together. Max slept at night, while Picasso rested during the day and worked at night. They lived very poorly and often did not even have anything to warm the room. Picasso’s works are often divided into ages/epochs. Although the division is sometimes disputed, it is generally said that there were five ages.

It consists of sad paintings painted in bluish and greenish tones, almost without other colors. It is not known exactly when the age began, but it was probably 1901. in the spring, in Spain, or half a year later, in Paris. At the time, he often drew tired, tortured mothers with children, beggars. He was greatly inspired by a trip to Spain and the suicide of a friend. After her, Picasso painted several portraits of a friend.

  • Art Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 10949 KB
  • 2021 m.
  • English
  • 20 pages (1095 words)
  • School
  • Agnė
  • Pablo Piccaso presentation
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Pablo Piccaso presentation. (January 18, 2021). Reviewed on 16:29, March 6 2025