Pablo Picasso Slides

Pablo Picasso. Self Portrait at Age. From the guinness book of world records. Most prolific artist. Picasso was the most prolific artist of all time. Self Portrait. Pedro Manach. Le Gourmet. The Tragedy. Family of Saltimbanques. Lady with a Fan. Portrait of Gertrude Stein. Les Demoiselles D’Avignon, Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, Still Life with Chair Caning, Olga Picasso in Spanish Costume. The Three Musicians. Classical Head. The Lovers. Paul En Arlequin. Studio with Plaster Head. Corrida la Mort due Torero. Portrait of Dora Maar. Guernica. Self Portrait Facing Death, June Georges Braque. Glass on a Table. Marcel Duchamp. Nude Descending a Staircase. Picasso Review. Blue Period Rose Period Cubism Other cubist artists Georges Braque.
Blue Period Rose Period Cubism Other cubist artists: Georges Braque, Marcel Duchamp Classicism Introduced the technique of collage.
Paintings to remember Le Gourmet The Tragedy Family of Saltimbanques Les Demoiselles D’Avignon Classical Head The Lovers Guernica.
- Art Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 2077 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 30 pages (268 words)
- School
- Marius