Nutrition And Diet Essay

Nutrition and Diet. Dietary fiber fibre. Exercises. Translate the following into English Baltymai. Fill in the blanks with the words below. You may use each word only once. Lean nursing nutrients people person. Products rapidly tissue well balanced. Too much , beyond the norm. Translate the following words into English. During active , overweight , overdose , sting , swallow , overwork , overweight , overtime. Translate the following words Use a dictionary for help if necessary. Deaktyvacija , skilimas , skalavimas , skilimas , detoksikacija , rūgštingumas , miškų naikinimas. Read the text. Substitute the words in italics in the sentences below the with words found in the text. Dairy products which contain calcium. Vital organs and vision in good shape. Food overloaded with sugar , preservatives and fat. Dispute this statement.
The process in animals and plants obtaining nutrients and their subsequent assimilation and usage for growth and replacement of worn out tissues.
Variety in food consumed is the keystone to proper nutrition, because no single food provides all the known nutrients – not even mother’s milk. Consuming no more calories than required to reach and maintain a desirable body balance is also important.
Any substance of food necessary for normal physiologic functions.
Nutrients supply our body with energy, and with the raw materials that it needs to grow and repair itself. Foods usually contain a variety of nutrients. Most of these have to be digested before they can be used. Food also contains dietary fiber, which is usually classified as nutrients.
Macronutrients make up most of our food. There are three types of macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and they are the only ones that provide calories. Proteins provide 4 calories/gm, as do carbohydrates, whereas fats provide more than twice as much 9 calories/gm The body’s main source of energy is carbohydrates. The two main kinds of carbohydrates are starch and sugar. Starches are complex carbohydrates found in foods such as potatoes, bread, and rice. Sugars are simple carbohydrates found in fruit, and in foods such as cakes and sweets.
Fats also provide energy, and are used to make cell membranes and some hormones. There are two main kinds of fat – saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fat is found mainly in dairy and animal fats, such as butter. Unsaturated fat is found in most plant oils.
A nutrient that is needed only in small amounts.
There are two kinds of micronutrient – vitamins and minerals. They are needed only in small quantities, but they play an essential part in the body’s chemistry. Vitamins are organic compounds produced by plants or animals. Minerals are inorganic compounds that come from a variety of sources. Some are present in food, while others come from tap water or table salt.
Diets vary greatly over the world. They depend largely on the foods that are available, and partly on what people like to eat. For good health, a diet has to be balanced, which means that it contains a range of the nutrients that the body needs. A disease, such as rickets or scurvy may be caused by a dietary deficiency of specific nutrients, especially a vitamin or mineral, on the other hand, the disease may stem from insufficient intake, digestion, absorption, or utilization of a nutrient.
All plants contain cellulose, a carbohydrate that we cannot digest. When we eat plant food, this and other substances pass straight through the digestive system, forming dietary fibre, or roughage. Fibre adds bulk to undigested food. This gives the intestinal muscles something to work against, and improves their efficiency. There are two types of dietary fibre. Insoluble fibre passes through the intestines unchanged. Soluble fibre is partly broken down by bacteria in the digestive system.
There are millions of vegetarians in the world, showing that it is quite possible to live healthily without meat. A vegetarian diet is considered to be healthy, as it is low in fat and rich in fibre from vegetables, beans and grains. Some vegetarians eat eggs and dairy products, which help to maintain their intake of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Other vegetarians, called vegans, avoid animal products completely. Vegans have to eat a mixture of plant food to ensure they get all the nutrients that they need.
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- 2019 m.
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- 4 pages (1793 words)
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