Nuclear Weapons And Concept Of Deterence

Introduction to nuclear weapons. Nuclear states. Essential nuclear strategic terms. First Strike and Second Strike. (No) First Use. Difference Between First Strike and First Use. Massive retaliation. Nuclear Proliferation. Tactical Nuclear Weapons. Q. Define “deterrence”. Also discuss various types of deterrence. Types of Deterrence. Q – What are the aims of deterrence and discuss linkage between conventional and nuclear deterrence? Linkage between Conventional and Nuclear Deterrence. Q – What are the ingredients of deterrence that make it credible? Also discuss the limitations of nuclear deterrence? Q – What do you understand by nuclear threshold and possible factors considered while gauging the threshold of a nation? Q – Discuss salient features of Indian Nuclear Doctrine in view of Indian nuclear capability? Indian Nuclear Capabilities. Q – What are the salient aspects of Pakistan’s Nuclear Policy? Pakistan’s Nuclear Policy.
Q – 7. What are the salient aspects of Pakistan’s Nuclear Policy?
Pakistan’s Nuclear Policy
29.Pakistan’s Nuclear Policy.In the past, Pakistan maintained the policy of low-level non-weaponised credible minimum deterrence. The policy of Strategic Restraint of 1989, encompassing the non weaponisation imperative was, however, changed following Indian nuclear explosions in 1998. Pakistan’s present nuclear doctrine envisages a "first use" with land/air based weapon systems within the realm of Credible Minimum Nuclear Deterrence, to offset the asymmetrical advantage India has in conventional forces. Salient aspects of the policy are:-
a.Pakistan’s nuclear capability is solely for the purpose of maintaining deterrence and defence of country’s sovereignty.
b.Pakistan will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against a non nuclear state.
c.Maintaining credible minimum nuclear deterrence is a rider clause/guidig principle of Pakistan’s nuclear doctrine.
d.Pakistan will refrain from entering into an arms race, however, will maintain adequate conventional forces to raise its nuclear threshold for strategic balance.
e.Pakistan will not transfer nuclear weapons or nuclear related technology to other states.
f.Pakistan will continue to support international arms control and disarmament initiatives.
g.Pakistan will pursue a strategic restraint regime and other nuclear risk reduction measures in the region.
h.Pakistan will ensure constant development of advanced nuclear weapons and delivery systems, along with elaborate C4I2 arrangements. The “second strike capability” which deters the opponent from pre-emption and has a link with assured/credible deterrence, is also being developed.
30.With the growing imbalance in conventional forces and an ever increasing Indian belligence which manifests in cold start doctrine and pro active operations; Pakistan has advanced from its nuclear doctrine of minimum credible deterrence to full spectrum response to offset the gap at tactical level conflicts with India. This change has further lowered the nuclear threshold at tactical levels to prevent any aggression.
31.Pakistan has also established an effective command and control, organization and systems to regulate nuclear related technologies production, exports through a strict compliance regime in advance with international standards. While National Command Authority (NCA) headed by the prime minister of Pakistan controls the employment and use of nuclear weapons the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) exercises the control of production, imports and exports of related technologies in compliance with the international and control regulations of IAEA etc.
- Military Term papers
- Microsoft Word 94 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 20 pages (4924 words)
- College
- Abdullah