
Neptune. Contet. About Neptune Neptune symbol Johan Gotfryd Galle Neptune’s color Internal structure Planetary rings. About Neptune. Neptune - the planet one of the sun system. Neptune symbol. Named after the. Johan Gotfryd Galle. Johan Gotfryd Galle. Neptune’s color. From Space Neptune. Internal structure. Upper atmosphere, top clouds. 2. Atmosphere consisting of hydrogen. Neptune has a. Planetary rings II. Planetary rings III.

About Neptune Neptune symbol Johan Gotfryd Galle Neptune’s color Internal structure Planetary rings.

From Space Neptune appears blue, because atmospheric methane absorbs red light, but really it is red.

Neptune has a faint ring system consisting of several individual flowers and unusual Adams ring arcs, which are much brighter for it. Rings composed of dark matter and large amounts of microscopic dust.

  • Astronomy Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 207 KB
  • 2015 m.
  • English
  • 10 pages (212 words)
  • Gabija
  • Neptune
    10 - 3 votes
Neptune. (May 17, 2015). Reviewed on 13:28, March 6 2025